Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend love

I love busy weekends. I'm generally not one to sit around, I get antsy and anxious and like to go, go, go. I'm certain I got that from my mom who can't sit still either and always kept us busy as kids. It tends to bug the hell out of Adrian because he, unlike me who stays home during the week, has to work, attend meetings, take long drives and do all sorts of tedious things and the weekends are his down time. His idea of a nice weekend is to wake up late, take a leisurely nap and lounge around watching TV...

Well, I really kept him on-the-go this weekend. Friday night we got an unexpected three hours (!!!) to attend one of Adrian's coworkers birthday party. We had a few drinks and a few laughs and it was glorious! There was a comedian who I'm sure would have been funny if I could understand Spanish well enough to have gotten the jokes, haha. Bright and early on Saturday we attended my friend Kayleigh's son and daughter's birthday party in Orange County, then drove back to my parents' house that evening so we could go to Nana's birthday party on Sunday.

Here's a fun photo dump for your viewing pleasure...
I wish there were some pictures of Jonas, but he was feeling a little under the weather (or teething?) so he was strapped to my body, hiding in the Moby the entire time, oh well!

Someone was tiiiired! As soon as we put him in the car, he was out like a light.

Happy 71st birthday to my Nana! Surrounded by 13 of her grand- (7 missing!) and 2 great- grandchildren.

Aren't my parents cute!!!??

I find this picture really hard to look at because when I look at Gabriel, I don't see a toddler, I see a little boy. And by little I mean big boy. I just can't believe what a handsome little man he's become.

I think it's kind of ridiculous that my Nana can ride a bike better than I can...

 How was your weekend, my peeps?


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