Monday, March 5, 2012

Tell Me About It Tuesday

I've decided to start a weekly post called Tell Me About It Tuesday. Each week I'm going to post a topic and write a little about it.

It could be anything from, "What's one of your greatest fears?" to "What's the one TV show you just can't miss?" Hopefully you'll join me!

Today I have chosen...

What is something you did as a child that people remember you for?
I was a huge photo/video ham when I was little. If there was a camera or camcorder out, you can bet I was in front of it, or at least trying to figure out how to get in there. I was also the first grandchild on my dad's side so let's just say I did not want for attention.

There is one funny hilarious video that is often brought up at family functions...

When I was six maybe, my aunts wrapped the lower half of my body in cellophane, sat me on my Nana's kitchen table and had me sing "Part of your World" from Little Mermaid. I had really bad allergies as a child so I was always wiping my nose. with my hand. motion upwards. Because of this, I had a permanent crease across the bridge of my nose. At the very end of the song when Ariel pushes up on the rock and raises her arms singing, I pushed myself up dramatically, but my nose was running so as I was raising my arms I made a little pit stop and wiped my nose.

I hardly missed a beat, really.

Do tell, what's something you are remembered for?


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