Friday, June 1, 2012

Joining in on the (not so) fun: giving up sweets

I'm a sweets monster and it's really bad. I'd rather forgo having lunch so I can have ice cream or pass up dinner for a cake mug. It's something that I've let get a little out of hand and I need to rein myself back in because if I keep eating this way, especially with Jonas nursing a little less now that he's starting on solids, I'm going to turn into the Pillsbury Dough girl. A 600 pound woman. A blimp.

Now it's summertime and I still haven't lost the last five pounds of my pre-baby weight [let alone the additional 15 that I need to...]. So without further ado, my plan, motivated by the lovely Mrs. M.'s challenge,  is...dun, dun, dun...

to give up sweets for 30 days!
[and working out at the very least, 3 times/week]

Okay, honestly, the idea of giving up sweets sends cold shivers up my spine but girl's got to do something! Mrs. M. is intense and awesome and is giving up a ton of stuff that I'm fully aware I might die if I did [aka, Diet Coke and eating out], but I figure this is a really good start to getting my diet in check. 

But Jessica needs to catch the skinnies too
original image via
I'm giving myself one cheat day, once a week - one sweet treat, not a full day of sweets - because a) we're in birthday month and mama wants her cake and b) if I don't have a sweet treat in sight, I might break down, go on a major binge and send myself into a sugar-induced comatose state.

And the awesome to my sucky is that my friend, Brittany [mom by day, fitness trainer extraordinaire/health nut/culinary student by night], promised that she is revamping her blog and will be featuring healthy recipes and fitness tips. So basically I'm just going to copy everything she does. 

Anyone else want to join in? 
It could be fun! NOT

P.S. - Unrelated to the skinny skinny, I'll be guest posting on Romance on a Dime tomorrow, make sure to check it out! I'll post the link tomorrow.


  1. This made me crave B&J. On a more healthy note... I gave up sweets in high school for a bit and the thought of them ended up grossing me out after a while. Hopefully that will happen :) :) :)

  2. Good for you! I gave up desserts and extra sugar for Lent. It was hard at first, but got easier.


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