Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Five months old

Every day I live in awe of this sweet little boy and his ability to light up the room. He brings such joy to our lives and I'm so thankful for his gooey delicious cheeks and happy demeanor. He is perpetually learning new things; I love watching his eyes light up as he is beginning to understand this world. It is hard for me to fathom that it was just five short months ago that he came into this world because for me, it is like he's always been here. I suppose he has always been a part of me.

Height: 29.5 inches, 97th percentile
Weight: 22.8 pounds, 97th percentile
Diaper size: Size 4
Clothing size: 12-18 months

Likes: Having his shirts taken off (he giggles so sweetly, it must tickle), wriggling around, when mama makes silly faces at him, taking a bath so he can kick at the little toys, looking at himself in the mirror, to hold and chomp on anything in sight, eating (shocker!), blowing raspberries and sticking out his tongue

Dislikes: Being left alone for too long, when he can't see mama, when Gabriel makes loud noises and scares him, teething

Special notes: We are in yet another month of exciting, new, fun things. He has eaten an array of homemade foods this month: bananas, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, asparagus, broccoli and squash - with no favorite! He is such a great eater. He is almost at the point where he can sit on his own, although right now he gets squished in half and kind of rolls to the side. I imagine that any day now he will start rolling all over the house since he is getting very close to rolling from his back to his tummy. He has already mastered the tummy to back roll...I fear that our immobile baby will soon be very mobile. He has started doing this screechy little dinosaur scream when he's hungry or tired which is...cute. Sort  of. He's still sleeping pretty consistently through the night, though every now and then he'll wake up to eat, or more, to soothe, because I think his bottom gums are starting to bother him.


  1. He is SO cute!!! And bigger than Noah, btw haha.

    1. That's because he's a little beast child, haha!

  2. I love these posts! He is so adorable, I don't know how u get any work done!

    1. I love having a way to chronicle his little baby times. I don't get a whole lot of work done...I just blog and snuggle and then blog and snuggle a little more :)


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