Monday, June 25, 2012

Water table play: check

On Friday, we checked off our water table play from the Summer To-Do List. This will obviously be ongoing because water play is the best kind of play! He hasn't played in it recently because with the random windy weather, tons of sand, dirt, grass, bugs, etc. had made it a real mess. It took quite a bit of work to get the thing clean!

We put Jonas to sleep, threw the pop-up tent up (well...sort of), slathered on some sunblock and got to business. 

Sticking your face in is apparently way more fun than playing with toys.

Have you checked anything off of your summer bucket list?

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  1. LOVE THIS!! Love that your reading Bloom!:) We just got a water table last!:) I should have made a bucket list! I love yours!

  2. We've knocked a few things off, but nothing too post-worthy! Hoping to do things soon!!

  3. Ohh I can't wait to get a water table when k gets bigger! They look like so much fun! Thanks for stopping by Me + the Moon! Hope to see you Friday :) Following you back via GFC + Twitter :D


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