Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy Friday and a kiddie boredom buster

Okay seriously, I don't know why but this week FLEW BY. I'm having a hard time understanding how today is Friday, but man I love me some Fridays. Today we're going to return some books to the library, get new ones and walk across the street to splash around in the splash pad. I'm really excited! This has become our Friday tradition and I love it because it tires Gabriel out enough to not fight me around nap time.

Tonight we're doing who knows what (I suggested backyard camping, but Adrian says it's too damn hot for that. I saw phooey!) and tomorrow we're off to San Juan Capistrano for the Donovan Frankenreiter concert, ahhhh!!! On Sunday, we'll be celebrating my two favorite fathers - my own awesome dad and my lovely husband.

Okay, onto the little boredom buster...

Potato Stamping and Golf Ball Painting

Gabriel likes to be crafty, kind of like his mama. He also cannot sit still and when dinner rolls around, if I don't have something distracting him, I will have him crawling up my legs while I'm trying to cook. Literally. This is especially disconcerting when I'm cooking something that crackles and pops! 

One of the activities he really enjoys at school is painting and lucky for him, we have a crap ton of it in the house. Two days ago, I was trying to start dinner but I had him entwined around me, all up in my personal space. Would not let me do anything. This is him, "Mommy. Mom. Mama. Maaaama. Mum mum mum. Mom. What are you doing? Can I help? Can I sit up here? Can I touch this? Can I do that?" And it goes ooooonnn and ooooon and oooonnn. 

And then I saw the sprouting potatoes in my pantry...hmm...I vaguely remember seeing something like this on Pinterest. I pulled out his paints. Grabbed a plastic drawer and a golf ball (could use marbles, but we don't keep them around. Too small for little baby mouths to get a hold of) from one of our sets of standing drawers. Pulled some scrap paper off of the top of the printer. Chopped off the sprouts and started carving. Voila!

Hello, kept him entertained for at least 10 minutes while I got dinner started!

Took all of five minutes to get it set up!

In a couple of days, I'm going to post our Summer Bucket List that I've created. We have some field trips, activities and crafts planned. I can't wait!

Have any good suggestions or crafts for keeping kiddies entertained? Please share!

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