Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another thing to check off our summer bucket list and...random stuff.

On Tuesday, we checked more summer fun off of our list. We visited the historic Leo Carrillo Ranch in Carlsbad with some of our friends. It is such a peaceful place, little trails wind all over the grounds, a little pool, tons of peacocks wandering around and shade trees to sit under. Gabriel was the oldest child there and it was so sweet to see him sharing his goldfish with Ava and chasing after her and Raeley. It makes my heart melt to know that he will be (hopefully!) just as sweet with Jonas as he gets older. We had a great day and I'm looking forward to seeing them tomorrow for some water play at the park in Rancho San Diego!

I wish I could say that I'll be relaxing today, but since yesterday was completely unproductive since we had to go to San Diego for Gabriel's doctor's appointment, I have soooo much packing to do. We will be heading to the beach from Saturday through Thursday so it's likely that all will be quiet on the blogger front. I'm looking forward to signing off and out for a few days and relaxing with my family at Silverstrand. 

My parents go every year and last summer, Gabriel and I stayed with them while Adrian was partying it up in Vegas at a bachelor party. I was puking my guts out literally the entire weekend, in the throws of horrific morning sickness. This year will be the first time we're taking our own (loaner) RV, so we'll have plenty of space to be nice and comfortable. I am so excited! We'll be right on the beach for the Fourth of July fireworks and I know Gabriel is just going to have such a blast!

For those who sweetly emailed or commented about Gabriel yesterday, he is thankfully okay. They officially diagnosed him with asthma, so that and a combination of allergies and a lingering cold is what has been making it hard for him to breathe. I'm just it's not anything a little more serious (not that asthma isn't serious, but his case isn't), like I was previously thinking!

Okay...I can't prolong the packing anymore. I'm getting hate texts from my husband to get on with it...

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  1. I'm glad it's just his asthma flaring up!

    That place looks like so much fun! That reminds me that I need to check off another summer bucket list item soon! We've been slacking.

  2. Its been so dry lately too! I have a humidifier going while Ava sleeps, maybe that helps asthma flair ups.

    I had such a good time at Leo Carillo! I loved when Ava put her little arms on Gabriel in attempts to hug him. What a good boy you have, Jess! A true testament to good parenting.

    Can't wait till the splash park!

  3. Its been so dry lately too! I have a humidifier going while Ava sleeps, maybe that helps asthma flair ups.

    I had such a good time at Leo Carillo! I loved when Ava put her little arms on Gabriel in attempts to hug him. What a good boy you have, Jess! A true testament to good parenting.

    Can't wait till the splash park!

  4. Sounds like a perfect vacation ahead!!! ENJOY!!!


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