Monday, June 4, 2012

Girlfriend needs to brush her hair

I'm not the first mom to admit that she might, possibly, perhaps, maybe let herself go a little tiny bit when she had kids. The first year staying at home with Gabriel I was a recluse, I barely left my house to get groceries, let alone be seen in restaurants, Target or the park. Didn't do much for my sanity or the extra 20 pounds of muffin top that had sidled it's way around my belly either.

A close friend from college who had just had a baby traumatized me right before I had Gabriel by saying that her husband told her he didn't find her attractive because she never put effort into herself. So, no matter if the house was a disaster or the laundry was piled up, one thing I always did was put on make-up.

When I was working most recently, I had to be presentable every day. You know, wear something other than yoga pants or loose dresses (luckily by this point I had lost the muffin topsssss). I had to wear make-up and heels and until I got pregnant with Jonas and could barely keep my eyelids up everyday, I really enjoyed doing so.

Now I've been home with the boys for a total of 8 months. I wake up every morning between 5 and 6 and then this whirlwind happens - there are lunches and coffee and breakfast to make, babies to feed (and feed again because Jonas is a little chubbo), dishwashers to load, Lucky Charms to scrape off of the couch (and child), babies to dress and then put down for naps, toys to clean up, boys to take to school, groceries to buy, laundry to get the drift.

I looked in the mirror this morning after I took Gabriel to school and put Jonas down for a nap. It's a little embarrassing to admit I didn't actually take a look at myself until after 8:30am. My hair looked like this:

I don't know where this image is from originally, this is where I found it.

I swear small animals could have been hiding in it. I was mortified that I had actually walked out in public looking like this. Something must be done about this new "mom fashion sense" I've developed. So my goal, along with my no sugar deal (which by the way, I'm on day 4 and doing AWESOME), is to make myself presentable every day. Make-up. Jeans. Decent, normal shirt (read: no spit-up or stains). 

Lofty goals, right?


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  3. haha boy oh boy! I have had MANY days like this. I look like the bride of Frankenstein! I usually know it is time to shower when I start to smell myself! lol

  4. LOL I love that you dropped Gabriel off that way


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