Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why is breastfeeding still even an issue?

I've tried really hard to avoid talking about this. In fact, I've started and deleted this post several times over the last few months because it wouldn't come together, didn't convey what I wanted and sounded unintentionally a little judgey towards non-breastfeeders (which I'm not judgey! promise!).

But I just can't resist.

Boobs are all over the TV. They're in magazines, flaunted all over the beach, on billboard ads and video games. According to our society, it's fine. They're boobs and they're sexual and who doesn't like a nice rack?

But then all of a sudden you put a baby next to those "fun bags" and whoooa, whoa, whoa! Everybody starts having little hissy fits and gets offended. As if a woman can't use her boobs the way nature intended. And people are like, "how dare you nurse that child like that WITH YOUR BOOB in front of me [or in a restaurant, or on a bus, or hanging out in the mall]!?"

Time magazine's article didn't do us nursing moms any favors. If anything, everyone else probably thinks we're whack jobs planning to breastfeed our children into their teens to show that we're "mom enough." I'll fully admit that I'm not mom enough for that; I'm just trying to do what's best for my children.

But today I heard about the controversy around this picture:


The backlash is shocking [but then again, not really]. Frankly, I've seen more cleavage in a Carl's Junior commercial. The article from Hollywood Gossip sites some quotes from military moms that have heard people call this a "disgrace to the uniform" and that it is comparable to "urinating or defacating" on it. The Air Force is apparently not very happy about this photo either. As if these women should have changed their clothes for 20 minutes so they could feed their babies. Seriously? I get there's all of this hooplah about not doing anything offensive while dressed in a military uniform, but come on.

I don't care what you're wearing. You could be covered in green paint, wearing a snuggie, hanging upside down from the rafters [although I'd be really interested to see how that would work]. Feed your baby in a boat, wearing a coat, next to a goat. Whatever. When a child is hungry, a child is hungry and whether it's with a bottle or boob, feed the baby!

I was recently in a restaurant with my husband and Jonas started fussing because he wanted to eat. It was supposed to be a quick in-and-out so I didn't bring in a large blanket to cover myself with [which I normally do], just a little burp rag. He nearly had a heart attack when I steathily started nursing him uncovered and called for the check. We were in the corner and all that was visible was the top of my boob, something that would have shown in a bathing suit or sexy shirt, but because my child was nursing, it was a big fat deal.

I'm just horrified at our entire country. For the judgement, for making women feel like they have to formula feed [or for feeling bad if they choose formula], for making breastfeeding difficult. In Europe, women have their boobs out all over the place, breastfeeding or otherwise.

The annoying thing is that it isn't just about the Air Force or Time Magazine unintentionally making a mockery of the rest of us. It's that we're still having this conversation after all of the research and studies showing how advantageous it is to breastfeed. If you choose to use formula, that's fine too, but I shouldn't feel like the "weird" one because I have chosen to use my god-given resources.

I mean, we are in the 21st century, people. It's extremely beneficial for the child. It's easier for the mother. It's financially responsible. It helps fight a gillion different diseases and boosts the immune systems for both mom and baby.

Go fight childhood obesity or cancer or something. Leave us breastfeeding mamas alone! Judge that mom who gave her daughter chicken nuggets every meal for fifteen years. Or the people who put their kids in a washing machine.

And yet, breastfeeding is offensive. Please.

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  1. A-f*****g-men! Breastfeeding is the most natural way to care for your child. Why can't people get over the fact that boobs were intended for that purpose? Well executed post my friend!

  2. Omg I agree, im so SICK of the argument that nursing in public is somehow offensive. I have literally nursed Noah while walking around Target shopping. Please say something to me... PLEASE, I DARE YOU. I dont understand what the deal is. And the fact that someone compared nursing in uniform to urinating on it just shows how ignorant towards breastfeeding the general public is. Its sad.

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! Very well written. I looked at the picture and I didnt even realize the mommy was in uniform. I am tired of having to stick up for breastfeeding moms. I actually had another breastfeeding mother tell me that if i needed to breastfeed in public that it was just because i was unprepared ! I couldnt believe it. I asked her if her child ever got hungry in public or maybe she never went out? She told me she always had a bottle. That is just fine if you choose to do that BUT do NOT make it seem like i am a unprepared mother because i nurse in public! I am so saddened by how far away from NATURAL our society has become :( THANK YOU FOR YOUR POST!

    1. Thank you for your comment, I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! I'm just so sick of the whole issue. I'm exhausted by the argument and I don't like feeling like I'm making people feel "uncomfortable" for feeding my child. That is horrid that another mother told you that you were "unprepared." I had someone today comment about my post on facebook who said it's fine if I want to breastfeed, but since I might make people uncomfortable, I should take my child to the bathroom to nurse. All I have to say to that is - would you eat your meals in the bathroom? Because that's what you're telling my baby to do. No thanks!

  4. Yes! Why people get so fired up about feeding babies - breastfeeding or formula - is beyond me. Every mama is doing what she knows is best for her family. We shouldn't have to defend feeding choices whether we are in uniform, out of uniform, etc. Great post!

    visiting via SITSgirls!

    1. Thanks for stopping by!! I agree...and I hate having to defend or feel "weird" about my choice to breastfeed.

  5. I didn't breastfeed my kids - it didn't work out. But I don't have any problem with someone who does. It's a personal choice. I definitely believe there are a lot of advantages to breastfeeding. I'm with you, though - I don't understand why this is a big deal. Women have been breastfeeding since the beginning of time. Good article.

    1. It's definitely a personal choice, but also circumstantial. Some can breastfeed, some have a harder time. Although I do, I don't think that if the labor of breastfeeding (because it is truly a labor of love!) is causing such on baby and mama, it's worth it. A happy mama = happy baby and vice versa. Thansk for stopping by!

  6. I'm totally with you on this. I breastfed and really enjoyed it and will certainly do it with future babies. And I bf in public. I used a cover, but I most certainly fed in public. When my baby was hungry, he ate! I think that picture you posted is beautiful. Those mothers nursing thier sweet babies, and just look at the smiles on the mom's faces. It is such a sweet bonding moment! Visiting from Sits!

    1. I nurse in public too and honestly, I feel no shame in doing so - just like a mama who would feed from a bottle. 99.99% of the time, I'm covered up, unless my little baby decides to flip the blanket off, woops! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I have this same article bookmarked and I've thought about doing a post on it. I LOVE the picture! And I really took issue with the line about "it's just like urinating or defecating while in uniform." If that's the case, then it should be a non-issue, because I'm pretty sure most service members don't run and change before going to the restroom!

    I was not "mom enough" to breastfeed as long as I wanted to, but I still applaud those who make it through!

    1. I breastfed for a year with my first and I will be the first to admit I was happy to be done with it. As long as baby is healthy and happy, that's what matters.

  8. This is amazing, complaining about right and ignoring wrong. If a mom has something to cover her boobs a bit while breastfeeding why not? But if she forgot or juct does not have it, baby must feed. Nice post Jessica. Have a wisdom full weekend! New follower from SITS.

  9. I love this! I can't wait to breastfeed once our little bean is here. This a wonder post.

    1. I hope you have a smooth experience. The first few weeks can be difficult, but keep pushing through!

  10. I was breastfeeding in public in New Zealand, on a hot day, and I covered my baby because I was more comfortable that way. Two different New Zealander women (one I knew, one was her friend, whom I did not know) individually told me that they found it offensive for me to cover up the baby! That it was more natural in general, more comfortable for the baby, and less obvious and less distracting for anyone else, for someone to breastfeed in public without a cover. We've got some cultural differences, don't we?

    1. That is amazing. What differences! I wish it was more like that here.

  11. Great post - I found your blog via the Two in Diapers Blog Hop! I am breastfeeding my newborn and although have heard differing viewpoints am still going at it -- aiming for at least 6 months before supplementing with formula. I completely agree - the health benefits are just too important to ignore! Hope to connect!

  12. We were at a Christian concert festival and I got several dirty looks from older women for nursing WITH a nursing cover on!! I told my husband I wanted a nursing cover embroidered to say "Jesus was breastfed."

  13. Wonderful post! I'm absolutely with you! What kind of society are we living in now where women can basically show off any body part they want, then when a nursing mother is in in public it's an issue!? Crazy.God help us! Thanks for sharing!! :)


  14. OH my, don't get me started!!! I saw that picture and was completely offended about what people said about it. SO TERRIBLE. Seriously?? Breastfeeding in uniform is offensive?? SO not right... it gets my blood boiling. I nursed in a restaurant once, with a cover on and sitting in a corner. No other customers in the entire restaurant could have known, and yet the staff was tiptoeing around talking about me and giving me weird looks. It's so sad, isn't it?

    I'm SO happy that you linked up with the Mommy-Brain Mixer, friend! I hope to see you again next week! :)


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