Monday, May 14, 2012


This weekend we celebrated my fourth Mother's Day. Man, that makes me feel so old. And wise, since I've survived four Mother's Days.

Adrian took the boys and I to Seaport Village where we rode the historical carousel, dined on the water and walked from shop to shop, leisurely browsing through knick knacks and things.

Gabriel and I held a parrot and it was awesome, aside from the fact that I was a little nervous that he might have the idea that my ear was a delectable treat for him to nibble, but alas, we both came away with all our facial features intact. 

Gabriel was dying to ride on a boat. As in, we heard "I want to ride on a boat" on repeat for two hours straight. Over. and over. and over. and over.

I'm not exactly sure why I look so disheveled here. And Gabriel looks like he just smelled a dirty diaper or something. It wasn't Jonas.

We gave my mom a cute little herb garden and this photo in a nice pretty frame. She was so cute, I thought she was going to cry!

We spent Sunday at Nana's house again this year and it was great to spend time with my aunts and fellow moms. The whole weekend was nice and relaxing, but I would say the coolest part was that Gabriel learned to swim and jumped off if the diving board! It truly is amazing to see him grow - last year, he was scared to even get close to the diving board and in the pool, he clung tightly to the wall. Now he's fearless. He jumps bravely off of the side of the pool. He keeps his cool and just keeps swimming when he gets nervous. I'm so proud to be his mama.

In other news, I applied for a job and have moved into the second phase of the interview process! I'm a little nervous and hesitant because we don't necessarily need the money, so I'm not 100% sold on returning to work. However, it would be nice to get out of the house and it's for the city so the benefits would be great. It would definitely be reminiscent of my days at Children of the Night, an emotional rollercoaster, because it would be in the Child Welfare department. Who knows what will happen...I'm looking forward to at least having the choice to return to work, so we'll see. I'll keep you posted!

And since this has become a random smattering of information, I thought I would tell you that I have become the Queen of baby food-making. Yes, I have become quite adept at creating bland, tasteless wonders. Who knew? But really, I can't believe I didn't do this for Gabriel. It is so incredibly easy.

Because we're talking food here, and I'm hungry, I'm making this for dinner. Or maybe this. I'm still undecided.

This weekend we're taking a trip to San Francisco to watch my cousin graduate from St. Mary's. It will be such a fun girls weekend - just me, my mom, sister, the boys and aunt. I can't wait!

How was your weekend?


  1. Looks like you had a fabulous mothers day, your family is beautiful! Jealous that you are going to SF next weekend, we will be there in a couple weeks!

    1. Did you get a furry friend momz card? :)

      I can't wait, I'm so excited - I haven't been since college. Are you guys just going for fun?


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