Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Four months old

Here we are now, four months later, and I swear it could have been yesterday! I know I say that every month, but it is just so true. I can't believe how much his personality has changed over the last month or so. Long gone (hopefully?) are his fussy, colicky days and all that remains is a happy, sweet, smiley baby. We actually went to our friend's birthday party this weekend and several people commented on Jonas' calm demeanor - it was so refreshing to hear that for a change! In the first 10 weeks of his life, people would've held my squirmy, fussy baby, handed him back, pityingly cocked their heads to the side and said, "Oh, he's colicky, isn't he?" Now he is just the most pleasant little baby to be around!

Height: 27.5 inches, 99th percentile
Weight: 20lb 9.5oz, 100th percentile
Diaper size: That sweet little bum just started fitting into a size 4 yesterday!
Clothing size: 9 - 12 months

Likes: Still loves laying on his play mat and bath time, playing in his exersaucer and pushing the animal buttons, being tickled, shaking his rattles around
Dislikes: Being held in the cradle position, napping in his bed, the period between bath time and clothes being put on
Special notes: There were so many exciting and fun things that happened this month, I'm not really sure where to start. About 2 weeks ago, he started rolling over from his tummy to his back. He also started sucking his thumb, which happens to be the cutest thing ever! He consistently sleeps from around 6:30pm - 6:30am every single night; every morning I wake up to his sweet coos and squeals and as soon as I walk in, I'm greeted with the biggest smile. And, oh man, the raspberries he has learned to blow are just hilarious. He now has the dexterity to hit and grab the toys that hang from his play mat as well as grab and rattle toys sitting in front of him. About two weeks ago he started eating baby oatmeal and it was just like nursing - he acted like he'd been eating from a spoon his whole life. I roasted and pureed some sweet potatoes for him yesterday and he ate them up so quickly!


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