Thursday, May 24, 2012

Awkward moment: World Market

I used to be really outgoing, or at least I think I did. I also used to be really great at making friends, I'm pretty sure. It must have had something to do with living on a mountain where everybody knew everybody and there was never anybody around that I wasn't familiar with.

Well, as we all know, my social life has taken a nose dive since college and my adult interaction really took a hit when I decided to become a stay at home mom. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of people that I talk to, they just happen to live in Vegas, San Diego, New York, get my drift. I have to make an extreme effort to take a step out of my comfort zone and engage with people because I would honestly rather pull a celebrity move - cover my face with enormous bug-eyed sunglasses, stick my cell phone in my face and pretend like I don't need to know you.

So now that I have prefaced my awkward run in with my awkwardness, here we go....

Oh wait, I have to take another step back. So, several weeks ago at the Mother's Day performance at Gabriel's preschool, I gave up my chair to a pregnant young woman, perhaps my age, who was sitting on the floor. We smiled at each other, she said thanks, then we both turned back towards the stage. Prologue over.

Last Wednesday, I'm walking around World Market in San Diego with Gabriel before our play date with a friend at Chuck E. Cheese. Who do you think I see? None other than the sweet pregnant lady I gave up my chair to. So I'm like, okay, it's fate. We're 100 miles away from home, we run into each other. It's destiny, we're supposed to be best friends.

Me: Hi, this is random you live in the Valley? 

Pregnant lady: Umm...(looks around uncomfortably)...yes?

Me: Oh, yeah, okay, I thought so. You look familiar. I'm pretty sure our kids go to the same school?

Pregnant lady: Ohhhh...Little Pioneers. Does your son go there?

Me: Yeah, him, yeah. I took him out today to go to Chuck E. Cheese.

Pregnant lady: .....................

(Clearly I didn't really think this conversation through)

Me: Okay, well ummm...yeah. Thanks. Okay, bye. I'm going to walk over here now.

I'm pretty sure this is like when Adrian saw the love of his life aka Lauren Conrad at LAX and could not open his mouth to profess his undying love for her except I opened my mouth and word vomited awkwardness all over her.

How do I recover from that the next time I see her??


  1. LOLOLOL. Thats so funny, SO uncomfortable. I feel your pain, I ran into an old friend from high school who shall remain nameless right now in Wal Mart a while ago. It was so strange, we used to be friends! She's stayed the night at my house! But it was SO AWKWARD!!! haha

    1. Why does that have to happen??!! I hate awkwardness, yet I'm the most awkward person alive and it only gets worse as I get older. baaaaaaaaaaaah.

  2. OH I so feel your pain...I have a similar story from the playground. Little girl starts playing with Logan. I ask mom how old..."umm...14 months." Oh they are about the same age, how fun! "sure" Are you here with a playgroup? "...I have four" (mind you there were like 10 kids around plus mine) oh cool! awkward silence...we left

  3. HAHAHAHHAHA...I think we were separated at birth! I am SO awkward too! I always manage to make a fool out of myself, I ALWAYS say the weirdest things! Have you run into her again?

    1. My awkwardness is the exact reason I have NOT joined any moms groups, even though I'm lonely in our new (okay, okay, it's been 10 months, not THAT new) town! And yes, oh gosh, I ran into her about 3 weeks ago during morning drop off. I basically hid behind the door to give my son a kiss and slithered out as fast as I could...and yes to the weird things, always. Sometimes I have to mentally tell myself, you are acting like a crazy person, please stop talking now.

  4. But, what if?!?! I am so glad that I am not the only awkward person out there! I am pretty social, but painfully shy at the same time, so I happen to word vomit when I meet someone for the first time. I seriously think to myself, "shut up, stop talking." But there I go, talking, talking, talking. I always come home and say to my husband, "Well, that sucked. I can't help talking when I am nervous. What the hay." Once I get to know someone, I am a lot more normal, maybe? That's if they actually get over the first time they meet me and still talk to me. Lol Maybe a friendship will grow over time with the sweet pregnancy lady? Maybe?


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