Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Maybe I should try finishing a book or two

I'm currently in the middle of all of these...


An eye-opening look at the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Also kind of freaky. I can't decide whether I think some of the "prophets" are/were quacky schizophrenics or brilliant, incredible wordsmiths. Very interesting...very weird.


I want to be a French acting, Tiger mom disciplinarian with a little tiny bit of American attachment parenting thrown in. Maybe. Or perhaps I just want to figure out what works for my kids and go with that. Either way, this book has an interesting perspective.


Chick literature. It's okay - a little boring and not sure if I'll ever finish it.


Again, chick lit but at least it's mostly based in England and who doesn't love them some British humor?


Okay, I haven't really started it, but I'm anxiously and excitedly waiting for this one!! Thanks, Bianca!!

As soon as I'm done with all of these, I'm moving on to 50 Shades of Grey. I just can't handle being out of the reading loop!

What books are you reading right now??


  1. Bloom is on its way to u, Jess! And as someone who is involved in the Mormon religion, I'd like to point out that we in no way, shape or form have any affiliation with the FLDS. Just like to throw that out there!

    I would love to read the 2nd part to Pillars Of The Earth but am saving up for it. Until then, blogs!

    1. Can't wait!

      Thanks for clarifying, they do address that in the book.

      I loved the Pillars books!! If I had it in hard copy, I would totally send it to you but it's on my Kindle :( I could not put them down! Do you ever read books on your smart phone? If so, you can totally use my Kindle account to read it!

    2. Good to know that I'm not the only one who is always in the middle of several books at once. I'm really hoping to finish at least one of them before the summer is over, LOL.

    3. That's exactly how I feel! I keep getting excited about new books and not finishing the others...

  2. I LOVEEEED "Under the Banner of Heaven"! I find the study of all religion FASCINATING! And John Krauker is one of my all time faves! Have you read "Into the Wild"? "Into Thin Air"? Or "Where Men Win Glory"? All of them are so enlighting. As for "50 Shades..." please see my blog post from today ;) And Ps- I LOVE random desparate phone calls from wallgreens by the way ;) Makes me feel connected to ya still. Miss you, girl - and your great little family!xoxoxo


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