Thursday, August 9, 2012

Seven months old

So dark...I was too lazy to fix it. Oh well!
This was a huge month. As in, boy is growing and there ain't no stoppin'! I'm pretty sure this is by far my favorite baby stage. They're still so cuddly and sweet, curious and mobile. 

This has also been the first month where I have seen such a sweet connection between he and Gabriel. Their love for each other is blossoming as they begin to interact and play with each other.

Height: 30.2 in.
Weight: 24.5 lb
Diaper size: Size 4-5
Clothing size: 18-24 months

Likes: Learning to eat food on his own, splashing around in the bathtub, army crawling across the floor, grabbing things he's not supposed to

Dislikes: Teething, having his diaper changed, not nursing to sleep, waking up in his own bed

Special notes: Teething majorly set us back in terms of napping. I coddled and snuggled and nursed him through the FIVE teeth he cut this month and frankly, I think he was much happier because of it. Gabriel used to keep us up all night but nope, not little Jonie. He sleeps through the night and tortures us all day (hah!). He's starting to try table foods and I gave him egg yolk for the first time yesterday, which was a big hit with him. He has stayed over with my parents several times and it seems to be getting easier to leave him...sort of. We're working on it as I prepare to leave for Napa next week. He has begun army crawling and rolling across the floor which, in theory is really cute and funny, but I know that ANY DAY he is going to be truly mobile and I'm kind of terrified. 

He's such a little rascal, I can hardly get him to stay still anymore for pictures!

And then he was to find more interesting things than mom's camera.

Happy seventh month, my little Jonie.
Previous posts:


  1. OH my, Jess he is SO STINKIN' CUTE!!! Happy 7 month bday little one!

  2. Hey girl! He is so stinking adorable!!! I love that you took a picture every month. It is so funny to see how much babies change and develop in just a few months. Following you via GFC from the Find + Follow Friday link up. Looking forward to keeping up with all that you have going on around here :) I actually have a giveaway starting up this Friday that I would love for you to get in on. Giving away some of my favorite things, I always love to share! You can find me at See ya around.

  3. He is such a doll!! I absolutely love those chunky legs. My daughter just turned 7 months recently. Such a fun age!


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