Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mommy-Brain Mixer #6

Hi friends!

I have the pleasure this week to be one of Cassie's co-hosts for the Mommy-Brain Mixer. I really enjoy this link-up because my family and parenting are two of the things that I talk about the most and this is a big mish mash of great posts that cover my favorite topics!

So, if you have a great post from this week, this month or this year (!), link it up. I can't wait to read them!

Although I'm already linked up with a different post below, I still wanted to give a little shout out to my favorite subjects, my two boys. 

With Jonas' newfound mobility, it has been interesting to watch how Gabriel handles it all. The once well-mannered, generous brother is now becoming very...intolerant of Jonas' interest in any toys that he himself is playing with.

I'm not stressing about it because I know that they will (have to) get over it, so I just sit back, watch and cover my mouth to hide my giggling as I watch Gabriel hoard all of his toys beneath his shirt. Seriously, it's more entertaining than half of the stuff on Netflix!


Welcome to week 6 of the Mommy-Brain Mixer, ladies!

Last week we had an amazing 132 link-ups! The Mixer is growing like crazy!

If you haven't noticed, one of my favorite things to do here at Two In Diapers is to share stories about motherhood and my littles. One of my favorite things about sharing these stories is your comments with stories of your own children!

Welcome to...

At the Mommy-Brain Mixer, we will be linking up our writings about anything and everything motherhood!

We want to see funny posts, serious posts, sweet & sappy stories, mommy-brain episodes, memories from when your older children were younger, thoughts & lessons learned, and anything related to motherhood or little people. You know that post you wrote yesterday about your teething baby? Or that hilarious post you wrote about your 2nd grader's school play? Those are perfect, so link 'em up! 

The Mommy-Brain Mixer is the perfect place to find some great new blogs to follow, make some wonderful new blog friends, and enjoy some entertaining new reads!

To make things even more fun, my friend Mar, over at Raising Bean, is hosting a sister link-up for you to join, too!

Head on over there after your finished here and link up your recipes, DIY, arts & crafts, and sensory activities!  

Let's get to it, friends!
1.Follow Two In Diapers
{the first link below}
If you are new to the Mixer, please leave me a comment so I know to follow you back! I try to get around to all the posts but, as the Mixer is growing, there are some weeks that I'm not able!

2. Follow your co-hosts
This week's lovely co-hosts {the first 3 on the linky} are:

Jennifer from Crafty Mom 101
Michelle from This Little Light
Jess from Jess and the Boys

3. Link up your mommy post!

4. Make sure to visit some of the blogs in the link-up and maybe even follow them!
{and comments are always loved} 

5. Tweet about the Mommy-Brain Mixer to help spread the word! 


6. Grab this adorable button and place it somewhere on your blog!


7. Don't forget to check back throughout the week, as we gain many new links throughout the week!

If you are interested in co-hosting a Mommy-Brain Mixer, send me an email at!

Like Cassie's blog? Don't forget to vote for her! One click on the banner below = one vote for her blog, and you can even vote daily to keep her at the top!

Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory


  1. Hi, fellow co-hoster! Your boys are beautiful! Happy to now be following you via GFC!

  2. Following/commenting from

    Thank you for co-hosting this week, glad to have found you :)

  3. I guess this is where you link up a mommy post right? I don't see a linky at any of your host sights.

    So here's my link:



    Oh and I'm following you on GFC!

  4. Hi from your newest GFC follower. Congrats on hosting the mommy mixer!

  5. I know what you mean! My eldest couldn't believe that the younger one was not just content with his own baby toys!!

  6. Thanks for co-hosting the mixer this week and for visiting my blog, Jess! Your boys are adorable! I guess the younger ones always go for what the elder ones have! They tend to ignore their own toys most of the time. :)


I love comments from my friends! If you're a spammer, kindly leave :)