Monday, August 27, 2012

Preschool bestie's mom is my awkward nemesis

This morning Gabriel got moved up to the "big boy" class at school. They didn't warn us and he was sort of blindsided by it all, which of course made me feel extremely guilty as I was trying to peel him off of my leg to leave.

The good thing is that the majority of his friends were bumped up too, so at least there were plenty of familiar faces to keep him company.

One of those faces is a little boy in particular that Gabriel talks about all the time. This boy is the one friend Gabriel actually likes; when asked about any of the others he states simply, "They don't share." Literally every other kid. 

Gabriel is the worst sharerer ever in life so I'm not sure why he's obsessed with that. 

Anyway, I digress. Why is all of this significant? Remember when I had that awkward run-in with the pregnant lady at World Market? Guess who happens to be Gabriel's bestie's mom? 

So here's the sitch...Gabriel wants to play with this little boy outside of school and I'm at a bit of a crossroad.  I should probably get over myself and my awkwardness for the sake of my boy but I reeeaaallly don't want to. I get uncomfortable and say weird things as it is, so having to face this lady again is so unappealing, I'd probably rather eat dirt. 

But on the other hand, I know it would be so good for Gabriel to have a friend that he can have play dates with and enjoy outside of school.

I really need to get over my own anxieties and reach out, right? How would you go about approaching this whole thing?


  1. My older son was like that..didn't talk to people and had one best friend and if that friend was not there, he would cry and not want to stay in preschool! I'm pretty sure the pregnant lady will have forgotten the whole conversation by now! Just go for it!

  2. Honestly she might feel as awkward as you. You have to put yourself out there. It's not easy, but once you do you'll feel so much better.

  3. I had to go back and read what happened before and I'm sorry, but the situation cracks me up! You probably caught her way off guard last time.
    Do you see here at drop off/ pick up? Just start by saying good morning or whatever. And then work up to "Gabriel talks about your son all the time, he loves playing with him" and see how it goes. And if it goes well, the next time you talk to her see if she'll set up a play date.

    Your blog is new to me, but I've been loving it, so I nominated you for the Liebster Award.


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