Thursday, August 16, 2012

Kids say the darndest things

My child makes me laugh harder than most people I know. Some of the things that come out of his mouth, some of the silly things he's too much. Some of it just makes me shake my head and think, "Wow, you are such

Here are three of the recent funnies:

I'm in the kitchen. Gabriel is laying on the couch with his head hanging off while Jonas looks up at him from the floor.

"Mom, guess what?"

"What, babe?"

"I just dropped a booger on my brother!"


Gabriel just got a new toy yesterday, the Angry Birds Space game that you stack up and use a slingshot and real birds to knock down stuff. He left it scattered on the floor and keeps running around trying to grab them from Jonas, who is now fully mobile and getting into all of G's stuff. Part of me took a little bit took a little bit of joy in watching this all go down because for the last three years, Gabriel has been the one getting into my stuff...haha. That's mean, isn't it?

"Mom, Jonie keeps grabbing my toys!!!"

"Put them away then."

"Okay, I put them under his jumpy." 

...Jonas gets them under the jumpy...

"MOM!! Can you just feed Jonie with your boob or something so he'll stop playing with my toys?!"


Gabriel sitting in the car, points to his stomach.

"Mom, there's a booger right here."

"On your shirt?"

"Nope, it's in my tummy!!!! I ate it, isn't that cool??"



  1. Oh my goodness that was hilarious! You never know what will come next!

  2. The best and worst thing about kids is that don't have any filters..what comes up comes out


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