Monday, April 23, 2012

Vacation blues

We're happy and sun-kissed and home safe from Mexico, but I think we're all suffering from the vacation blues. You know when you need an extra day to recover from your vacation? That's us.

We're moving a little slower and I've pushed my to-do list to tomorrow because I just can't seem to get moving today. I'm downing the coffee likes it is nobody's business and Gabriel is utterly exhausted, so much so that he slept in until 8:00am. Poor Adrian had to go out to San Diego to meet with his bosses and is starting a caffeine drip to get through the day.

But it was all worth it. Our weekend was so relaxing and fun and full of good food and friends. It was a great way to celebrate Adrian's 30th year of life and I'm just so thankful to have such a sweet and amazing husband.

Today, it's back to reality...

How was your weekend?


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