Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tell me about it Tuesday #5

What is your fave TV show (or shows, if you're like me who has 2,532 different shows recorded on your DVR)?

Well, asking me what my favorite TV show is might kind of be like asking me which is my favorite child (Gabriel)...I kid, I kid. Adrian and I watch a lot of TV. It didn't used to be this way, because we spent evenings playing around, doing things college students do, but after Gabriel was born we didn't really leave the house. We tried new shows. I decided to break this down into a couple of categories because I truly don't have one favorite, though I do have several "can't miss-ers" (just like Gabriel really isn't my only favorite).

Favorite new show - I love Storage Wars. This kind of crept up on me but Adrian really does pick good shows and this is one that he started watching, that I love. Also, I could totally see Adrian and I being Jarrod and Brandi...just might be our life in five years, who knows.

Favorite because I have been watching forever and I have to see how it ends someday - Grey's Anatomy. It has had highs and lows, good seasons and bad, but I will watch it until the end because I have to see what happens to Carev and if they ever explain has relationship with Izzy, what will happen to Cristina and will she ever get her shit right?, and will Mer and Der end up ever getting pregnant?

Favorite overall show - Biggest Loser. I started watching this in the last few weeks of my pregnancy with Gabriel, when I was too large to move unless it involved my fingers using the remote control. I don't care for the host, Allison, but I generally like the contestants' stories and I loooove seeing their makeovers.

Runners up - DEXTER, Homeland (new show, check it out), Up All Night, and Project Runway.

What are your can't-miss shows??

P.S. Like Jess and the Boys on Facebook!


  1. I love me some Storage Wars! haha My new favorite is Game Of Thrones. When Brandon brought it home I was like oh yay a midevil show...... but I LOVE IT! Also, Shameless, Dexter definitely, 30 Rock, Cougar Town, New Girl is totally growing on me, and thats allI can think of. My DVR is put to good use.

    1. I forgot about Shameless...I LOVE Shameless!!!

  2. I like too many shows to pick a favorite, but I did hear that this new show coming out is really good... Don't Trust the B in Apt 23 or something like that. I'm curious to see how it is. The premire is April 11 I believe.

    1. I think I have seen previews for that...what night is it? There are certain nights we are all booked up on our DVR, haha!

    2. I believe it's on Wednesdays... I think my only show on that day is Revenge, which by the way is addicting. I made fun of the previews, then my coworker made me watch it and now I'm hooked, haha.


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