Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tell me about it Tuesday #6

How was your Easter/holiday?

We had such a nice weekend up in Camarillo, but I am so very happy to be back at my house (if only for a night, boo for so much traveling). We left Friday afternoon around 1pm and we didn't hit any traffic, it was great! That evening we spent some time with my in-laws and then left the boys so we could have a few drinks with some friends at a nearby pub.

Saturday was wonderful because I got to visit with my BFFF from college and her husband, so they were finally able to meet little Jonas, we drank some coffee, ate muffins and yogurt, and just enjoyed spending some time together. I miss her so much!

Later that afternoon, we visited with our good friends, the Bonellis, went back to my in-laws to eat dinner, color some eggs and put the boys to sleep.

Sunday morning I was up at 5:30am to play Easter Bunny and had such a hard time waiting around for Gabriel to wake up! I heard him roll over and ran over there to ask him if he was awake but he told me, "Mommy, I'm still sleeping, I need to rest!" Once I pointed out the trail of Easter eggs leading to his basket, he perked right up.

Later, we went to mass and then my father-in-law took us out to breakfast at one of my favorite local joints, Eggs n Things. After cooking up a yummy dip (which I'm going to post the recipe for later!) and frosted sugar cookies, we packed up the car and headed to the park for lunch, lots of playing, Easter egg hunting, and some delicious food and treats.

All in all, it was such a fun weekend!

What did you do?

And now for a special treat, here's some pictures from our weekend...

Such a precious picture with the grandparents.

First Easter as a pair.


Gabriel was so excited to search for eggs.

Jonas, not so much. He said eff that, I'm sleepin'.

 He found a fire truck and wouldn't get off.

Lots. I meant LOTS of confetti eggs were smashed. I still have it in my hair.


P.S. Like Jess and the Boys on Facebook!


  1. Ha ha! We hunted the easter bunny as usual... Read about it here :) http://www.smiffbib.com/2012/04/08/that-damn-bunny/


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