Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Beginning each day with intention

One of my struggles as a stay-at-home mom has been finding a routine, getting into the routine, and then sticking with it. I have an awful habit of starting my day without a plan and then being disappointed at the end of the day when I've realized I've accomplished nothing.

This off-the-cuff attitude is great every now and then, but living like this daily means a perpetually messy, disorganized house and a bored, lazy toddler. Neither are things I like and I'm vowing to change my ways.

Several years ago, I started reading a blog called Money Saving Mom and she talks a lot about setting goals, both daily and weekly. I scoffed at her, thinking that it is so easy to accomplish "stuff" during the day when you're at home. Clearly, I was working because I had no idea how hard it really is to keep a clean, happily cared-for home while managing children and a husband.

Up until recently I used the excuse that I had a newborn (who is no longer new) and he didn't sleep ever (which he now does), but I've used up all my reasons why I cannot properly care for my home. In an effort to be more intentional with my day, I've started to brainstorm things I want to accomplish, writing them down or making a mental note, and then here's the shocker...doing them.

Some of the items on my list have been finishing up projects that I've had lying around while others are general cleaning tasks that need to be taken care of around the house.

Here are some of the things I've accomplished in the last few days:
-Clean out the junk drawer in my kitchen
-Organize all of my jewelry and finish the jewelry holder project
-Sweep and mop the kitchen
-Vacuum upstairs
-Clean all bathrooms thoroughly (I have 4 - it sucks so I put it off)
-Begin organizing my pantry - my goal and obsession

Yes, I used to keep my jewelry in a wipes case.

I am going to start posting regularly about how things are going in terms of how I am choosing to live with intention each day. I want to bring organization, cleanliness, ease and happiness to my home and I think this is the answer. We'll see how this goes!

Is there anything in your life or daily routine that could use a little more intention and a little less habit?


  1. That is so cool!! I am so happy you are doing this. I used to sleep in late and not have a plan for the day and then be so unhappy with myself for not getting much accomplished. Now, I get up early, with a list for the day already written out and I get so much more accomplished!!

    I'm so glad you linked up at Romance on a Dime!!


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