This weekend was so relaxing. We initially had planned to go to Camarillo to visit family, attend a birthday part and go to a bridal shower...but then we got tired and didn't. Of course we wanted to attend those things, but we just felt like we'd had a lot going on recently, so we chose to instead enjoy a weekend with very little commitments.
We pretended to have friends again on Friday and it was so fun! In fact, we might aaaactually have made friends with a family; nevermind the fact that they are twice our age and have children only a few years younger than me. We went over to their house for dinner on Friday night and it was so nice to have a long conversation with someone not obligated by relation (aka, my sister or husband, who both live with me).
On Saturday, we randomly went to a kids' fair at the park, but it was so hot we had to run home and play in the sprinklers! My brother came over and so the three of us made lots of funny faces together.
For my brother Mikey who is hopefully, finally getting out of the Navy in July...
Because it was so hot, we bought an above ground pool. It's still not done filling up because there's like, 2349828309 gallons of water that have to be put in. Last night we were so excited to have it that we busted open some Coronas, suited up and sat in the six inches of water that had filled. Our water bill might be somewhere around $2,349,828,309, too, but at least we'll be cool!
In other news, Jonas is officially rolling over from his stomach to his back and eating oatmeal now and is an old man, or at least it feels like he's aged light years in the last few weeks. He's doing all sorts of new things like grabbing at toys and cracking himself up. It's so weird how different my babies were and how different I am as a mother...more on that later.
Yes, those are homemade pop tarts. Yes, I will be posting a recipe. Yes, they are delicious, except - shocker - Adrian didn't like them because the crust was too "wheat-y," aka, he hates whole wheat flour. Because he's a brat and balks at healthy crap.
Now I'm just desperately awaiting news of where my college besty/soul mate is planning to relocate. She lives near my in-laws and I haven't spent nearly enough time with her lately, which totally depresses me. It's sad how you take for granted their presence, thinking that they'll always be there, until they aren't...sad face. She may or may not be moving across the country and as much as I want her to stay in California, going to New York would be such an amazing adventure - one that I think if I was presented, Adrian and I would probably go. I've already been checking out the cost of flights to visit if that's where she chooses...
Oh yeah, we're thinking about starting an Etsy shop because I was browsing all of the cool furniture stuff and kept saying "Adrian, you could totally do this!" "And this!!" "Oh, and make me this!!" He's actually gotten pretty great at wood-working and some of the stuff on there that was extremely similar to what he's done was selling for like 234234x the price it takes to make it. Seriously.
This headboard?
It's not crooked, it's my inability to take pictures, by the way. He made it for like $80 bucks including hardware, wood and wood stain. On Etsy, something like this sells for $500+. So we'll see. It could be fun.
Anyway, if you've made it to the bottom, kudos to you. This really was just a compilation of crap. Tell me about it Tuesday WILL return tomorrow...the past two weeks have just been too busy/I'm forgetful.
I'm headed off to the vag doctor to ensure that I won't be having any babies within the next five years and let me tell you, I am quite excited.
Happy Monday, folks.