Friday, October 12, 2012

Nine months old

Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a nine month old to pose for two minutes? No? It's impossible. However, this child of ours has really come into his own this month. It's just crazy.

Height33.5 inches
Weight: 28.2 lbs
Diaper sizeSize 5
Clothing size24 months

Likes: Feeding himself, getting into everything possible (especially cords behind the TV, FUN), crawling under the table, knocking over his big brother's block castles, pulling up in his bed in the middle of the night, pulling up on the couches, pulling up on...anything.

 Dislikes: Diaper changing, being confined when he wants to be exploring, napping, bed time

 Special notes: He spent five days in the hospital this past month. It was heartbreaking, but also a huge few days of growth for him. He learned how to crawl on his hands and knees, to pull up on things and just...became a different baby. Sleeping is hit or miss right now, both day and night. We've had nights where he sleeps through as well as nights where he's up all night. He has learned to use the pincer grasp to pick up small pieces of food, uses a sippy cup like a pro and enjoys crawling up the stairs and freaking me out. He's still nursing about four times a day and I'm so over breastfeeding, it's not even funny.

Oh, and he needed two outfits...more like two separate photo shoots.


  1. awww i love the collage at the bottom of each month! That is so precious!


  2. HOORAY! Happy 9 months! I love that monthly collage too. So cute! I can't believe how much he grew in the hospital!

    And we are right there with you on the sleep things. She's been sleeping through the night (usually at least 9-10 hours) since 4 months, and has started waking up almost every.single.night. for the past month or so. And naptime is a big 'ol hot mess right now. I think we're about to go to 1 nap a day. The 2nd is hit or miss, but she usually needs it. GAH. BABIES, SLEEP!

  3. His hair and chubby little legs make me smile!! Love it, thanks for stopping by!


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