Monday, October 29, 2012

Back in action

Thank you sweet baby Jesus, I have internet again. Technically it's been a week and a half since we've had it and holy moses, I didn't realize how reliant I was. Really, I'm a big old baby because I still had my Verizon hotspot, but I'm super paranoid that I'll go over my allotted GB so was kind of hesitant to use it. 

Anyway, we're moved in. We have internet. We have most of our boxes unpacked. To say I'm happy would be an understatement. Ecstatic, maybe? 

This past weekend we were extremely busy - unrelated to moving busy. We took Gabriel to skating lessons, actually attempted to make new friends at a mom's group Halloween party (post for another time...) and then went on our yearly trip to Julian with some of our BFFs (lots of pics later!). 

That's pretty much the only update I have for you. I swear at some point soon you'll see the house, but at the moment we're working on this:

Pieces purchased.
Just need to put this together.
Possibly paint. 
And this...

Going up this week.
There is much to be done, both inside and out, and I currently have a list currently running about 20 items long. It's a lot of fun but a lot of work!

Speaking of work, I haven't done laundry in 2 weeks and the piles are beckoning me... 


  1. those projects are loverly! very good ideas!

    new follower from gfc blog hop :)


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