Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Is there a 3 day grace period after a first (play) date?

We did it. We had our first play date with someone that we actually did not know. We sought them out and we went on a date and we did it. I know there are many of you who are thinking, "Whatever, no bigs, I make friends like they're going out of style."


We have lived in the Valley for over a year and I have yet to make a friend that was not handed to me by my husband. And that total is 1.

For those of you who have been reading a while, you know about my awkward encounter in World Market where I tried to be friendly but...well...that didn't work out. And you also might remember when I told you about Gabriel's preschool bestie and who his mom was.

Thankfully, I jumped to conclusions and was wrong. Turns out, his mom is NOT awkward World Market mom, but in fact an extremely nice lady, a transplant like me from the Midwest who happens to not know anybody out here.

I reached out to her last week because Gabriel is always talking about her son. We emailed back and forth a few times and decided to let them play at the Burger King play area. Because that's what people do for fun in this hell in fast food bacteria-fests. Thank God I'm not a germaphobe.

Dare I say, we've made some friends? It seemed to go well...we talked for two hours straight. No uncomfortable silences. Lots of laughing. The boys had an absolute blast and completely wore each other out.

Am I allowed to tell her we had fun? Can I text her? Is that weird? Are we friends now or are we going to continue going about our business until I ask her if the boys can play again?

I'm totally over-analyzing this. We had a good time.


  1. Ha ha ha! Seriously! Sometimes finding good mommy/kiddo friends is harder than dating!! I think you can text her and say, "Hey, we had a good time" and see what happens. Fingers crossed! :)

  2. I say a next day email or text to say hey we had a lot of fun we should do it again is totally normal!

  3. I say tell your son to tell her son to tell his mommy that you had a good time.

    oh wait… that's sounded sooooo junior high.

  4. I feel you on this! I'm so awkward at these things. I think it's perfectly fine to send a quick text that says the boys had a great time today let's do it again soon. Then the ball is in her court. Welcome to toddler speed dating :)

  5. Hahah! HOORAY! So proud. We haven't had a play date yet and it's gonna be a biiiig deal too. Glad it went well!

  6. yay!! I would totally get in touch again soon!!

  7. Hi Jess, I'm Anne from Life on the Funny Farm ( visiting from the Mommy Brain Mixer.

    This was so funny! I've been in your shoes. It does get easier. Congrats on making a friend!

    Pop over to my blog and say hi sometime if you get the chance. Nice to "meet" you!

  8. found you through the Mommy Brain Mixer! I feel your pain! my oldest is 6 and we've NEVER had a play date. It's almost like people don't have enough time to makes friends... I wish I had some advice for you, but I'm in the same situation you're in.

    Hope you get a response no matter how you contact her :)

  9. Ooh!! I was wondering what the aftermath of the World market incident was! So glad you guys clicked! I think it totally is in order for you to send her an email/text saying how much you both enjoyed their company! If she also loved the whole meeting, she's sure to suggest another playdate soon! Or else, you can suggest it yourself!! Don't overanalyze, as you just said!!

  10. I'm not a transplant to my area, and yet, my only mom-friends are related to me. Not sure what that says for me and my social abilities.

  11. haha. this is a pretty funny post! way to go on making a mommy/kiddo friend! by the way, I'm your newest follower - found ya from Two in Diapers blog! We can be buddies via blog-world. ha


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