Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cancer sucks

When I was a freshman in high school, a boy I grew up with was diagnosed with cancer.

During my sophomore year of high school, one of my very close friend's brother passed away from cancer.

In August of my senior year, the boy I was friends with passed away.

At the start of 2010, my youngest brother - a freshman in high school - was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma.

Since then, I can count at least five people in my life who have been affected by cancer and it pisses me off. I'm angry that there is no real cure. That it doesn't matter if you are "cancer-free," because that sneaky little snake of a disease can slither it's way back into your life without notice.

This morning my brother, now a healthy, active senior in his school - is visiting his oncologist because he's having recurring headaches, night sweats and a raised temperature, very similar symptoms to his initial diagnosis.

I realize it could be anything...the flu, a coincidence, him working himself up because he's scared. This has happened before where he's gotten so upset about a possible symptom that he makes himself sick with worry, only to find out he's okay. On the other hand, I've done my research. I know the relapse rates for Stage III and that scares the living shit out of me.

He is my baby brother. I changed his diapers for crying out loud. I've watched him grow into a young man that I am proud of, who has potential to do great things. He's become one of my best friends and I love him, regardless of some of the dumb, idiotic stuff that weenie little teenagers do.

I hated hearing the fear in his voice this morning before his appointment, knowing that he's thinking the absolute worst. His nightmare is that it will come back again; he still can't even go to the hospital where he was treated without vomiting in the parking lot.

I despise the fact that every time my brother feels ill for an extended period of time, we have to worry that it might be back. That our worlds might be rocked again. That it could come back worse than before.

This post is morbid and I'm sorry for that, but I'm just having one of those pissed-off-at-the-world-and-all-of-the-shitty-things-in-it days. Next week, we'll probably get scans and blood work back that are clean and we'll all go about our merry way again...right?


  1. I hope that your brother is fine, xo.
    I too have been touched by cancer in too many times, lost too many people. Cancer does suck! I think if we can clone people, send people to the moon, etc, then we should be able to prevent if not cure cancer.

  2. I love you Jess. It's going to be okay. No matter which way this goes, it will be okay.

  3. Thinking healthy thoughts for your brother. My mom is currently fighting pancreatic cancer, but I can't imagine having to see someone so young and vibrant have to endure this disease. Cancer completely sucks. My best to your family.

  4. Prayers for your family and your brother! Hopefully everything is ok. My sister's father-in-law passed away from cancer yesterday. I've in a super fuck cancer mood since he was diagnosed a couple months ago..

  5. I agree, the cancer sucks the big one. I hope and pray your brother is fine. I will be thinking of you and him this weekend so please post a update.

    At this very moment a friend of mine, Stephanie has Neuroendocrine carcinoma that has spread to her liver. She just found out last month - they gave her 3-4 months. She just started chemo Wednesday. She's a young wife and mother of 2 little girls. It has torn me up, so I kinda know how you feel.

    Please do update us - I care.

  6. I'm so sorry. I hope it is a false alarm...keeping my fingers crossed.

  7. Hi! I'm your newest follower. I'm so sorry to hear about your little brother. My twin sister, Elizabeth, is a brain cancer survivor ( 3 1/2 years). I know all too well that dreadful feeling in the pit of your stomach, when initial symptoms attack again. I will add your little brother to my prayer list. Hope it is ok.


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