Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Annual trip to Julian

For the last four years in the weeks leading up to Halloween, we pack our little family up and head up to the quaint little town of Julian. This time of year it's still rather warm and bustling with people so we thought that Sunday would be the perfect day for a visit.

Three years ago, we invited our friends Nicole and Jimmy and a yearly tradition was born. I've realized how important their friendship is to us. Not only are they two of our best friends, but they are also the godparents to both of our kids and part of our family.

We've had different faces join us over the years...first, my sister, followed by James' mom last year and this trip included his brother Joe.

Highlights from this trip included:
-Apple pie. Oh, the apple pie.
-Lunch as usual at the Julian Grille.
-Shopping at the Warm Hearth.
-Stumbling across an adorable $5 yellow teapot at an antique shop to add to my collection.
-A pitcher of brew at the Julian Brewery.
-Looking for pumpkins at the Julian Mining Company

-Being behind an awful motorcycle accident and having to get out and help.
-All of the pumpkins having rotted.
-The end of the day. Because the end of the day is always sad when we're spending time with our friends!

If you are a fellow Californian, have you ever ventured up to Julian? Did you love it?


  1. I'm not a Californian but it sounds fun!! I was hoping for a pic of the yellow teapot! :)


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