Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I will never understand men

There are so many things I love about my hub. He's hysterical, incredibly intelligent, steady, blah, blah, blah. Seriously. He's great. But there are so many things he does that I will never, everrrrr understand.

That whole Mars/Venus thing? Seriously.

...like the fact that he asks me to make him a full-on deli sandwich at 10 o'clock at night because he wasn't hungry for dinner. 

...or how every night he brings a cup of water (and sometimes cereal) upstairs and doesn't bring down the cups until a. he has no more room on his side table or b. doesn't have any good cups to use.

...how on Tuesday, trash day, you would think it would be smart to take out all of the trash in the house and put it out front, but nope, that would be too much foresight.

...or how even though I've made it as convenient as possible to put his laundry in the basket/pile by putting it on his side of the room, he will stop and stand right next to the bed, pull off his socks, pants and shirt, and leave them 2 feet from their "home."

...like the fact that every day he will take off his work boots/drop his keys/lay down his wallet somewhere around the house, forget and ask me the next morning.

...and speaking of, how no matter how many times I put things in their "place," a place he is aware of, if I ask him to get me something, he will ask where it is.

...how he complains that I nag too much, yet it takes me asking him at least three times to get him to do something.

...or the fact that - empty sink or not - dishes always get put on the counter.

...like the fact that he has to nap during the day when he's home, no matter much sleep he's gotten the night before.

What weird, illogical, strange or annoying things
does your husband do?


  1. It's so nice to know its not just my hubby!!!

  2. I have no hope for when we're actually married... he drives me nuts already with his stinky/dirty/man child habits

  3. B used to do the whole eating after dinner because he didnt want dinner thing but he's stopped because we've made it a rule for Ant, you eat dinner or you go hungry so that has to apply to EVERYONE now. Mwahahaha.

    He used to be really bad at the whole putting things on top of the hamper or right next to it, he still does sometimes but hes gotten 80% better at it. I took the lid off the hamper so he didnt have an excuse anymore.

    The dinner thing is really my biggest pet peeve. I will spend hours looking up recipies, writing out a menu, writing out a grocery list, prepping meals for the next day after everyone is in bed, rushing home and literally standing in the kitchen in my work clothes and heels so I can get dinner started quickly so we dont eat too late. I put a LOT of damn work into our meals, appreciate them damn it!

  4. I hate to admit that I'm more like your husband, and my husband is more like you!! I bet he could sympathize with all of your complaints. Some mommy I'll make. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My amazing, adorable and loving husband (really, he is! I DO love him)... will have between 2-4 cups of coffee, using our Kerig brewer each day and only ever drinks 1/3 of ANY cup he makes. This INFURIATES me as a) I take the time to lovingly brew said cup of coffee and he doesn't even drink it. b) those k-cups are flippin' EXPENSIVE!!!! My #2 pet peeve would be he is pathologically incapable of putting a dish INNNNN the dishwasher... It is neither helpful, nor less work to put the dish in the sink. WHY DO MEN DO THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! It's the equivelent of setting your trash on the counter BESIDE the garbage bin, instead of just THROWING IT AWAY YOURSELF... ok, thanks for the rant. I'm fine. Really. ;)

  7. Oh where do I start... He will lovingly cook for me but in the process he forgets where the garage can , sink & dishwasher are. He leaves everything on the counter! YES even the empty containers & etc that go in the garbage! He complains about our teenage son leaving dishes everywhere yet he does the same thing! He will bring home Not 1 or 2 but 4 or 5 movies on Friday and/or Saturday night & wants me to watch them ALL night long with him then complains that I sleep during the day on weekends! WTH???? And on the issue ... He will nap on weekends from staying up watching movies but will deny he slept at all. Ummmmmm whatever! He will not throw away anything from his truck, he throws it in the floor then of course denies it was him that trashed the truck up! He is the messiest man I know!

  8. Where do I even begin?

    I've written 3 blog posts on my hubby and his quirkiness and have at LEAST another 3 or 4 of them.

    I'll never understand how I can put something on the bottom step of the stairs that CLEARLY needs to go upstairs and have him step OVER it and leave it there.

  9. My number one pet peeve is the towel!! The wet towel he has used after his bath that lands on the bed or crumpled in a heap on the floor of the bedroom so that the whole place stinks of sodden cloth by the end of the day if I don't see it in time? Yeah!


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