Monday, October 8, 2012

Brain dump

We had a wedding this past weekend. Not just anybody's wedding, but two of our very best friends were married. I can't convey in words how special this was to be a part of, not just because they did a fabulous job putting it together or because we had a ton of fun, we are both so emotionally invested.

Adrian and I actually introduced them to each other. I've known Nicole for over 15 years and even though we lost touch during college, we randomly reconnected the summer after I had Gabriel. They met, fell in love and got married. Makes me happy.

The four of us joke (but it's not a joke) that in 40 years, we'll be all old and wrinkly, playing checkers on each other's patios and drinking wine.

Seriously though, look how gorgeous she is:

So yeah. That was really amazing and wonderful and so fun, I probably can't tell you about most of it :) All of us bridal party peeps are suffering from PWD (post wedding depression), so basically I've sat around eating sugar cookies all day while browsing through the wedding photos over and over again and finishing up the Desperate Housewives' final season. 

And oh, by the way, my husband just mentioned to me that he's getting the keys to our new place tomorrow. This kind of blindsided me because I've been living in this blissful little land called denial. Reality really smacked me in the face today. You know what that means? We're moving stuff tomorrow. You know what else that means? I need to get my ass in gear because I STILL only have 3 boxes packed. I'm really, really trying not to freak out.

Finally, THANK YOU, all of you sweet people who sent me messages and commented about my brother. His doctor's appointment went well, he has strep throat right now which explains why he had a fever and night sweats, thank God. They are closing monitoring his headaches and have put him on a couple week break from football. I'm pretty sure they are going to be a scan soon if they haven't gone away by the end of the rest period.

That pretty much sums up my life today. How are you doing??


  1. Glad to hear your brother just has strep-I know you all had to have been stressing. ps love that picture of you and Adrian.

  2. Aw, I love those silk robes! So pretty.

  3. SO glad your brother's okay. My mom had breast cancer, so I know the doctor's is always scary. Can't imagine that kind of worry you all get from it, though. :(

    On a lighter note: the wedding looked beautiful! So awesome. And get to packing lady! :P So excited for you! (Minus the packing. Nobody is excited about that.) :)


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