Sunday, October 21, 2012

How I Met My Husband - Part 2

As I'm sure you have gathered, that date I went on about a week late was with my new dancing friend. We went to Claim Jumper's or Black Angus or some other sort of guy-meal place and it was interesting. He was funny and kind of awkward in an appealing way. Because I'm awkward too. It was good to be in good company.

I met up with my new guy friend another time to watch a movie. I'm a prude. Nothing happened. When he invited me to join him and his friends the following weekend at a bar, my girlfriends and I threw some sexy tanks and heels on and headed out the door.

We got there, had fun, danced, had a few drinks, but my bestie was feeling a little sick so we were kind of anxious to head home. Now here's where things get a little iffy. I'm convinced that in Gadrian's "fun" at the bar, he may have shared a special kiss with another one of my besties. To this day, he will deny it, but I am 99% sure it happened. It's okay though, we're all family!

I drove the boys home that night and when "Gage" was being dropped off, he promised me breakfast. Now, I'm not one to forget a promise to buy me a meal, especially my favorite meal of the day, and ESPECIALLY as a broke college student. The next morning, and by morning I mean early afternoon, I made it clear that I had not forgotten his promise. I fully intended to cash in on my free meal!

I'm pretty sure he had no idea that a breakfast promise would lead to a lifetime of breakfasts together...

Stay tuned for How I Met My Husband - Part 3, to air next Sunday afternoon at 3pm!


  1. I vaguely remember you telling me this story when I came down to visit that fall. Adrian was out of town or something that weekend and I think you were juuust starting to get serious. Sadly what I remember more from that trip is the Monte Cristo sandwich I had at that diner we went to haha! So, I'm glad you're telling the story here!


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