Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday Social: Travel Edition

Regardless of how little traveling I've done, I absolutely love it. Now that I have little kiddies, it is a lot harder to pick up and run off for a weekend or plan anything that involves a plane, but that doesn't mean I don't travel in my daydreams all the time!

Best trip you've ever been on: Hands down, London and Paris. It was inspiring, culturally enriching, fun and a major step in becoming an independent woman. I went with my best friend and another roommate during my Junior year of college over Spring Break and it was an experience of a lifetime. Absolutely amazing, not to mention it was with my all-time fave travel buddy. I would go again in a heartbeat.

Best idea for a girls' trip: Well...I'd say the trip I'm going on in August would be up there as a pretty rad girls' trip. We'll be in Napa Valley for 3 days, wine tasting and spa-ing. I think also anything involving a beach would be awesome too.

Best idea for a couples trip: If it's just Adrian and I, anywhere! Somewhere we could explore but also relax...Costa Rica and Seattle pop into my head.

Best vacation on the cheap: Camping! Especially if you're going tent camping, it can be such an inexpensive vacation. What more could you ask for: food, good scenery and friends/family.

Place you want to visit most: Boston, Seattle, New York (City and upstate to visit my bff), Costa Rica, Ireland, Greece, Italy...and the list goes on and on and on...

Vacation necessities: Really depends on the place, but I would say Kindle, bathing suit (hot tub or beach?), comfortable walking shoes, camera, large purse for lugging everything around, reusable water bottle.


  1. I did more traveling when I was single than I have with my husband.

    Camping is not as cheap as it used to be, but compared to Paris it's a steal but then again, it ain't Paris.

    Informative post. Thanks.

  2. If I could spend all of my money on traveling I would. I have a long, long, LONG list of places I want to go


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