Monday, July 9, 2012

Six months old

And by eagle, I mean Jonas' first tooth and by landed, I mean bursting through his bottom gums!

Just so you know, I blinked and then half of a year flew by. My little chubby boy is more and more expressive, joyous and humorous every day. I just want to take bites out of those michelin rolls on his legs and little apple cheeks. His sweet little dimples make me laugh and his dino screeches definitely get my attention!

Height: 28.75 in., 98th percentile
Weight: 23.11 lb, 99th percentile
Diaper size: Size 4-5
Clothing size: 18 months

Likes: Chilling in his new (to him) high chair, splashing around in the bathtub, rolling onto his tummy, screech, chew on anything he can get into his hands

Dislikes: Being left alone or on his tummy for too long, teething, green foods except for green beans, AVOCADO (he gags), 

Special notes: We now have a sitter. And a roller. And a really big boy who now takes baths in a big boy tub and is starting to push his upper body towards the sky in what appears to be some sort of baby yoga pose. He has now eaten Mum Mums, puffs (not a fan yet), yogurt puffs (again, not a fan), apples with cinnamon, pears, peaches, zucchini with potatoes, pear with blueberries, tastes of strawberries, grapes and watermelon, mango with banana, broccoli, green beans, squash, greek yogurt get the hint. A lot of stuff. He has a tooth that wants to break through any. day. now. It started right before vacation and seemed to be really bothering him but of course now that we're home, he's totally fine. He's still sleeping through the nights and naps are becoming more regular and scheduled.

Four months old.
Five months old.

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  1. Your photos are so adorable!! I love taking photos of my two boys :)

  2. Omg look at his chunky cheeks. I love it. Lol he's so cute.

  3. Wow! He's huge! My daughter is 8 months, (almost 9) and barely weighs 16 lbs. lol
    Thanks for commenting on my blog! Hope you visit again!
    Megan @

  4. OMG he is too cute! I LOVE his expressions. He is such a happy little boy! First tooth, huh? All I can say is good luck...teething is not fun. I found that frozen bananas in those mesh feeders helped a bit.


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