Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Social [8]

-What is your dream job? Anything to do with marketing/design/editing/writing/html. I'd love to contribute to some publications online. Before I quit my job to be a SAHM, I was doing some of this stuff and I absolutely loved it. I miss it so much and love working on design for my own blog or the occasional freelance job that comes in. 
-If you had just won the lottery and didn't need to work for money, what would you do with your time?  I would absolutely 100% travel for the summer months while my kids were on summer break. During the school year, I would volunteer - both for their school(s) and local non-profits, spend time with family, flip houses with my hub (his dream) and anything else that came our way. I'd probably still work, but it would be my own business...maybe a coffee shop/bakery/book store. Basically that is my ultimate dream.
Doesn't that just look so amazing?
-When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A large animal veterinarian and a jockey. Until I started seriously playing sports in high school, I was very outdoorsy. I rode horses and was about to start riding competitively when I fell and seriously hurt my back. After that, I just couldn't really get back into it and started playing sports. And clearly, I'm nowhere near small enough weight-wise to be a jockey!
-What piece career advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field? Well...technically my current profession is MOM and of course I have plenty of advice! First, make sure to take time for yourself; it makes me a better mom and wife. Get up before your kids so you can have quiet time to read, do the dishes, throw a load of laundry in, pray, drink your coffee in peace, relax before the bedlam begins...etc. Sometimes it gets lonely and sometimes you get sad, but it's okay - do one of the previous things and it helps. Make lists to keep yourself motivated. If I don't plan my day out, I don't get anything done. It's not laziness, just disorganization. Lastly, remember that your babies are only little for such a short time. Bask in their baby-ness. Snuggle with them. Forget about the dishes if it means chatting with your kids. I have learned this the hard way.
-Biggest Pet Peeves either in life or in blogging or at work? Ungratefulness, people who only do link-ups and don't actually write, CAPTCHA, not waving in acknowledgement when someone lets you go while driving, my time being wasted, when people are late (or when my husband makes me late), laziness.

-Biggest Fears? Something happening to my kids. Getting into a bad car accident. Mice/rats. HEIGHTS. Seriously, even watching someone looking over a high ledge on TV makes my stomach hurt.
So yeah. Happy Sunday. 


  1. There's a commercial where a girl is standing on the ledge of a cliff and it freaks me out every time. I start to get anxiety just watching it hahah.

  2. I love your mom advice. Especially to bask in their baby-ness. It really does go far too fast.

  3. I'd love to design blogs or write for extra income. I currently work outside the home and have a huge desire to stay home once baby comes. I suppose it's a far fetched dream.


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