Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Please give me a minute

I realize that all has been quiet on the social media front. No new posts, very little Twitter  action...not even an Instagram photo! Well, here's the deal; it's a combination of things, really.

My brother just returned home after serving our country in the Navy for four years. He's back from Sasebo, Japan. This is the first we've seen him in over a year and a half and only the second time since he left. IN FOUR YEARS. I'm soaking up as much as possible with him and introducing him to my kiddies.

On Saturday, all of us cousins got together to have a party at Nana's house both for Mikey's return and to bid farewell to my cousins who are moving to Michigan. It's really weird to think that some of us will no longer be in California and it is so sad.

One of my best girls had her bridal shower on Sunday. It was gorgeous and beautiful and I couldn't be any more thrilled that she's marrying Adrian's best friend. It truly is the perfect situation! We drank too much sangria, had lots of laughs, kissed an "ass," drank tea, and overall had so much fun.

I got back from SD yesterday after being gone for 4 days. My house is a disaster. Laundry is piled high. I'm tired from doing so much stuff! 

To top it all off, I'm such a dummy. I forgot my camera all weekend!

And finally, I've tried to check out of all things computer/phone/technology because I was spending a lot of time on here. A lot of time wasted. Too many minutes away from my kids. I'll be back regularly, but I just need some time to catch up and think and compose and write.

Tomorrow I'll be back to share about my wedding story with Adrian and a gift we received recently. It's a good one!


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