Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer "craft:" Making popsicles

**I'm postponing my wedding story until probably tomorrow because I'm hoping to have some sort of treat for my readers along with it!

We love ice cream and popsicles in our house, especially right now while we're trying to beat the summer heat in the valley. After seeing several different posts from Pinterest about DIY popsicles, we thought we would give it a shot. This is part of my ongoing summer to-do list activity series.

First we gathered and chopped our supplies - strawberries, blueberries and grapes, as well as popsicle sticks, a couple capri suns, and some small plastic cups.

Once chopped, begin assembly.

We basically just stuffed a variety of different fruits into the cup, poured capri sun into the cup until full and shoved a popsicle stick into the fruit. Pretty simple.

We stuck them in the freezer (haphazardly, unfortunately. Now there is sticky juice all over my freezer!) and waited overnight, just to make sure they set well.

You can see little G was pleased with our yummy creation!

Raising Bean


  1. We love popsicles(or ice lolly)around here!Thank you for sharing it at the link -up party!New follower here!:) stop by anytime!:)

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by the Momma Mar's Activity Corner Link Up! This is a great idea, and I love the pic of your son showing his tongue - too funny! I hope you’ll come visit me at too!

  3. Stopping in from the Blog Hop! Super cute idea! Love the pictures!


  4. I HAVE to try this tonight! Looks positively delish. :)

    I am your newest GFC follower from the blog hop. If you have a moment and would like to, you can visit me here The Things We Find Inside

    Thank you so much,


  5. What a perfect summer treat! I bet my little girl would looove this. Thanks for linking up with me today. Can't wait to see that you have to share next week!

  6. Yum! That looks delicious! I really have to do this with my daughter! She is a fruit fanatic and she absolutely loves popsicles!
    Thanks for linking up with the Find + Follow Hop!
    I hope you have a fantastic day!

  7. Those look amazing! I'm definitely going to have to try this!
    I'm thrilled to be your newest follower and would love it if you could return the follow if you get the chance and wish to :)
    Sapir @

  8. Easy, tasty idea! I love it! I need to buy some of those ice pop forms so I can make my own with juice.

    I'm also passing along a blog award today, after finding you on RH earlier :)

  9. Those look SO great! I totally am going to have to try this! Thanks so much for linking up with us this week! I totally appreciate it! Hope to see you next time :D

    1. Hey lady! I have an award for you! Stop by and pick 'er up! :D


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