Monday, July 30, 2012

I have no willpower. I cannot make it through a weekend.

I'm finally working out regularly, you guys. Like as in, at least 3 times a week working out. As in, haven't done this since Gabriel was about 1.5 years old. And the best thing about it is that it feels really good

I think I'm just at the point where I'm sick of my body being weak and I miss the athleticism that I once had. BMI-wise, I'm overweight, but I know that I don't look unhealthily large and if I could just get down another 10 pounds, I'd be pretty content with the number. However, my main goal is to get to a place where I'm content with how powerful my body feels.

So I decided that I am signing up for the Color Run in San Diego in the Fall. I need something to continually keep me motivated and to have a goal to work towards. I want to be able to run the entire thing so I'm still doing the C25K (I love it, btw. Love. Love. Love.). I've also started doing a circuit training that my super-trainer mom friend gave me and it's killer!

Anyway, the whole point of this post is that I need your advice...your tips, your tricks. I have been doing really great during the week, eating healthily, lots of water and a fair amount of exercise. The problem is that as soon as the weekend hits we're on the go, usually at family parties in SD, travelling to Camarillo, and just being insanely busy. There are so many temptations and no time to work out and waaaahhh, waaaah, waaaahhh, I just can't do it on the weekends. I know, so many excuses...

How do you stay motivated and on-track while you are on the go? I really need to know!


  1. Hi, coming over from the Monday Mingle! It's just great that you are working out and eating healthy! I too started cardio classes recently. I don't think you should stress out too much if you cannot do much due to going out. But, maybe,when you eat out, try a salad or whole wheat sandwich as a healthier option. When going out, try to incorporate a park where you can walk around or get some kind of exercise! Otherwise, I guess, just enjoy your time together and leave the heavy exercising for the weekdays!!
    Best of luck for the colon run...that's awesome!!


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