First, Brooke over at Crazy Mama Drama (who is my kindred spirit...I swear everything that comes out of her
My seven random facts are...
-I drink two cups of coffee every single morning, without fail. Not one, not three. Always two.
-I love doing laundry, but abhor the very thought of putting it away. Seriously, I just got around to putting away the laundry from last Monday and magically two more loads appeared on the crouch.
-I'm terrified of heights. Like I mentioned in SS, even watching a show or looking at a picture of someone on a cliff makes my stomach drop.
-I've been a stay-at-home mom for 10 months and 1 day...but who is counting?
-I served Pat Benatar ice cream after one of her shows in San Diego while I was working at Cold Stone.
-Six years later, I met her husband Neil Giraldo, otherwise known as Spyder, who was a regular at an office where I worked.
-When I was in middle school, I was OBSESSED with WCW wrestling. Goldberg, Sting and Rey Mysterio Jr. were my faves.
Next, I'm thanking Nicole from Me + the Moon for recognizing me with a One Lovely Blog award.
She's so sweet and is always posting pictures of her little girl, who happens to be only a month older than Jonas.
She also regularly hosts a link-up called Find and Follow Fridays if you want to find some new blogs to read!
And finally, my new friend Kim from the Bird's Nest gave me the Liebster Award! She posed some questions for me to answer so here goes...
-What is your favourite blog post that you've written so far? Link it here: Either the one about breastfeeding, or my month-by-month series for Jonas, or the one about Gabriel going to preschool.
If you could re-live your high school years, would you? Absolutely.
Sweet or salty foods? A combo of both! (Chocolate covered pretzels, anyone?)
Did your family have pets when you were growing up? We did...our first and most beloved was our rottweiler, Bo. We bought him when I was 2 and he passed away when I was 13.
What is your number one can't-live-without item while travelling? Several easy reads.
Do you prefer to fly or drive when taking trips? I love flying and don't do it as often as I'd like.
What is the square root of 81? (Haha..the real question is do you like math?) 9? And based on my question mark, my answer is no.
When did you write your first blog post ever (even if it was a blog before this one)? March 25, 2010.
Do you enjoy working out, or is it something you have to make yourself do? It is something I force myself to do at this point, though I love how I feel while I'm doing it and after!
What is your favourite meal? Probably surf and turf...lobster and filet. Or filet oscar (it's French, so I think that makes me cool). Or filet and asparagus and mashed potatoes. Notice a trend?
Have you ever visited my home turf, Nova Scotia? Nope!!
Okay, so a lot of the people I follow regularly have already been given these awards so I'm going to think long and hard and get back to you all (especially since it's going to take some time to tell everyone they have been awarded, haha). Thanks peeps!