Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Packing sucks

This is my idea of packing...

Basically what I've been doing is pulling things out of closets, off of shelves, from cabinets. Everything goes on the floor and then I step on them and get really annoyed that they're there. My hope is that eventually I'll get so annoyed that I'll start throwing everything in boxes. 

When I buy boxes. Because I haven't actually done that yet. I have mmm...6? And one of them went to the DVDs. Two of them to toys. Three are empty and waiting to be filled. I might get around to it sometime soon.

The fact that I have two minis who walk/crawl behind me and play with everything I'm packing up pulling out to organize. Gabriel has decided that he absolutely loves all of the toys that he's had shoved into a corner of his closet for the last eight months.

I'm having a hard time deciding what to pack first, which rooms to start with and what to hold off on until closer to our moving date, October 15th. So far, I've pulled out the DVD's, started pulling out all of the toys and organizing them, taken pictures from downstairs off the walls and organized and boxed up Jonas' old clothes.

I need some motivation.

Any tips for me? Where do you start 
when you have to pack?


  1. Hi Jess,
    I have been in the same situation for the past couple of weeks. We found out 4 weeks ago that we would be moving out of state (ct) to Florida. I also had a hard time at first knowing what to start packing because it would be another 3 weeks until we moved. I also have an 18 month old and one on the way. I started by going to grocery stores for boxes, then we wouldn't have to pay for any. They gave us great sturdy boxes but we had to go to the store several days to get enough. I packed things on shelves first and pictures from the wall - stuff that I wouldn't be bothered if I didn't have for the next 3 weeks. We left most things (most importantly toys) until the week before and then did I huge 4 day pack this past weekend and got friends to help load the truck this past Monday. If you have family to babysit the kids for a whole day then you can get a lot done. We didn't but we managed - I don't now how I didn't pull my hair out. So now our whole house is on its way to FL and I am left sitting on the floor of our old house writing this :) It is going to be very stressful, I have had plenty of times this past 4 weeks of break downs and high anxiety/stress. Hope you get into the packing and moving mojo, it will all be worth it in the end when you move into your new home :)

  2. Packing totally sucks. I usually start with little things we don't use frequently, like some of the stuff you started with-- DVDs, books, go through out of season/non-fitting clothes, decor, shoes we don't need, and sort through old stuff that can be thrown out in the kitchen + bathroom-- anything you can get rid of/live without for the time being. Good luck lady! Sounds like you're in for a long month, with your little shadows helping you. Hahah! :D

  3. I got a lot of incentive to donate and throw out a TON of things so that I didn't have to pack a lot!! I mean, something that we haven't used in 3 years?!!
    I don't know if you have a yahoo group called Freecycle in your town. The group posts things online that they would like to donate to others within the group. So, a safer version of Craig's list free section! I got a ton of moving boxes FREE from that group! And, I posted the items I wanted to donate and they got snapped up within hours of posting!


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