Thursday, September 27, 2012

I feel productive and it's wonderful

These last few days, I've been infiltrating Adrian's work space and using his extra computer/desk so that I could get some work done. Yes, work. I am working. It's been amazing. And no, he does not love working with me everyday. Knowing his whereabouts. Taking away his privacy. I think it's kind of hilarious.

Yesterday, I actually had four hours of work time - baby-free, distraction-free. It was heavenly. The other two days this week I have brought Jonas with me. Let's just say...working and being really productive is almost completely impossible when you have a nine-month old crawling all over you.

First of all, he's getting into all of the cords and printer cartridges and dirty, dusty corners of Adrian's office. Secondly, he's so darn cute. He keeps crawling under my desk and laying down, peeking out from under it. How on earth am I supposed to type when there's a cute little critter crawling around?

Anyway, Adrian told me that I seem really, really happy. It's true. When I'm working and using my brain and putting make-up on and getting out of the house, it makes me feel good. I have realized that I tend to determine my worth by my usefulness. My value by my productivity. When you do things you love and do them well, you can't help but feel good.

So basically what I'm saying is, today is a good day.


  1. I am glad you had a great day!!!

    What do you do for work?


  2. I am the same way! Being a stay at home mom has been really hard for me for this reason, and this reason alone. Thankfully, my blogs have been giving me a sense of purpose, so staying at home has gotten much easier since then. I guess all that I'm trying to say is, good for you and I understand!! Lol

  3. That's just wonderful and I totally know what you mean!!


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