Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Fall...okay, no it isn't but I am pretending

There's something about fall that makes me get all crafty. Do you get like that, too? I realize teeeechnically speaking, fall is about 17 days away, but Starbucks basically said "THE HELL WITH THAT(!)" and already has Pumpkin Spice Lattes back on the menu which in my mind equals the return of my favorite season.

I'm not going to lie. I bought a couple of items today to start on a Christmas craft. Nothing like being prepared, right? I haven't started actually busting out my fall decor yet since it's possible (not probable, but there is the chance) that our landlord will tell us we need to be out at the end of the month if we aren't planning to renew our lease for another year. As a landlord myself, I can't see that being to her benefit whatsoever and she's a pretty cool chick so I'm just crossing my fingers. Should know tomorrow so I'll keep everyone who cares so, so, so much posted.

Anywho, I still want to start integrating some fall colors into my life and I had a little burlap lying around so I thought I would use it to create a table...something. Not a table runner, too short. Not a table cloth, too small. I guess something to hold the knick-knacky crap, candles and pine cones that end up on my table during Autumn so it doesn't scratch my absolutely gorgeous dining room table. It might end up on our smaller eating table in the kitchen but for now I like where it's it. Usually I keep it covered up by this God-awful thing:

AKA - remnant of last year's Thanksgiving party. I needed more table cloths last year and shocker - when I went out last minute to get more, this was all I could find. Not exactly sure why it stayed put...I guess a new table cloth isn't what I would consider high on my priority list of things to buy. It sits right below hangers, starch spray and all the other shit I forget I need until I need it really badly. 

That's pretty much the extent of the supply list here. I suppose you could wing the lettering but since I have the handwriting of a 12-year old girl, I figured I'd do myself a favor. Burlap, stencil, sharpie, cardboard for underneath. That's it. I wrote "eat" on one side and "drink" on the other since this was going on my dining room table. 

You'll have to be careful of the marker bleeding. I didn't anticipate that and I have a couple of splotchy places. Otherwise, I think it looks rather clear.

I also didn't realize how dark my living room is in terms of the photos so I apologize for that whole - can't really see what's going on - thing. 

Some generous soul on Instagram gave me the lowdown on how to iron burlap so when I do that tomorrow, I'll make sure to take a better photo...possibly one where you can see the whole table. Maybe.

And that's that. Oh, and I frayed the edges by literally grabbing one strand and pulling. Or two sometimes. It was very easy. Trimmed the edges to match on all sides and voila. 


  1. Super cute craft!!


  2. Love it, so cute. My Hubby hates random words in places like this, similar to my HOME above our dining room table, I think this would go with it quite nicely.


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