Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kids say the darndest things, part 2

Sometimes my little Gabriel shocks me with the sweet and wise things he says...

It's lunch time and I'm getting Jonas some snacks.

 "Gabriel, would you like some grapes, too?

"No thanks, mom."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, mom. Trust me. That's what friends do, they trust!"


Last weekend we spent some time at my friend, Nicole's family ranch. They have all sorts of animals and my friend, Wyndi, was walking around with Gabriel.

"Wyndi, can I pet the guinea pig?"

"Sorry buddy, I think he's too scared to let you pet him."

"But why is he so scared of me? All I want to do is protect him."


He has such a kind little soul!


  1. I'm totally going to start telling husband to trust me because that's what friends do, now. Ha!

    So cute.

  2. Hahah, too funny. I'm so excited for my little guy to start talking. I can't wait to hear the things he comes up with ;] Stopping by and following from the Mommy Brain Link up!

  3. Love it! What a smart and kind little kiddo!

  4. ha ha! kid's DO say the funniest things!

  5. so stinkin' cute! New follower here stopping by from the Mommy-Brain Mixer, blog hop!

  6. Visiting for the first time. This is too cute. I love that you are capturing all the adorablness your boys are oozing!


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