Friday, September 7, 2012

Eight months old

Remember when I told you that I was going to be really scared when he became mobile? I'd say it's equal parts fun, frustrating and fear-inducing. But really, he is just such a sweet, good baby. I can't believe how close we are to 1 year, it is just crazy.


Diaper sizeSize 5
Clothing size18-24 months

Likes: Feeding himself, getting into everything possible (especially cords behind the TV, FUN), crawling under the table, knocking over his big brother's block castles

 Dislikes: Diaper changing, being confined when he wants to be exploring, napping, bed time

 Special notes: This month was a little difficult. I lost the majority of my milk supply in Napa and it took several days to get it back, which in turn made his going to sleep process difficult. Although I'm back up and running, he had gotten used to nursing several times during the night and we're just now getting back to our regular sleep schedule. He still does not like formula at all. Sometimes he'll tolerate it, but only when it's convenient for him, not me. Otherwise, he's crawling EVERYWHERE. Frustrates the heck out of Gabriel because he can no longer play with his stuff on the floor. Jonas is eating predominantly table food now, with very little pureed foods in the mix, except for sometimes in the  mornings. Some of his favorite foods right now are toast, shells and cheese, freeze-dried yogurt bites, bananas, mum mums, string cheese, mango and avocado. At this point he's only nursing about 4 times a day. Naps from 8:30-10(:30?) and again from about 12:30 or 1-2:30 or 3. Oh, and he needs a haircut. BIG TIME.

Okay mom, I'm chillin'
I'm not chillin', MOM, don't make me take pictures!!!!
Must move, must crawl, must get away from here!
Alright, chillin' again, I found a fruit loop from bro's cereal that he dropped I knocked over.
SO HAPPPYYYY. She let me sit up!!!!
Crazy lady is so funny when she tries to make me laugh. 


  1. that first picture of him laughing at you is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life... love and miss you!!!!

  2. Stop it!! He is so cute! I really like how you have the food system down. I've seen some moms not even feed their kids solids yet just rice cereal!

  3. Jules - I MISS YOU.

    Bianca - Some may not agree with the fact that I've introduced almost everything so early, but oh well! It works for him and works for us.

  4. Adorable!! Just love the collage you made...I should make one of each of my boys...some day before they leave for college! :S

  5. Sounds like you've got a pretty big boy on your hands. My bald girl is jealous of all his hair!
    Lucky you getting him on solids so early on. My daughter's always had issues with food, she always hates what she's currently eating and wants to go back to what was before. Now that she's on baby food, she just wants cereal and bottles. I can't wait until she can just eat anything.

  6. Aww! He's getting so big! It's going by so fast! Kenley just turned 9 months! :(


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