Monday, September 10, 2012

My name's not mommy today!

Anybody else tell your kids that?


Just me?

I'm going to admit I'm a little grumpy this morning. The only thing that's saving me is this IV of coffee going I have going and the fact that I'm making a stop at 7/11 to get some of their Pumpkin Spice brew when I take Gabriel to school.

Anyway, ever notice that when your kids need something and both you and the husband are around, the kids always ask you? Funny how that works. And how said husband will direct children to the mother even if they're in the other room/upstairs taking care of another child/doing something important?

And, speaking of husbands (adore/love) him, but when mine works an entire week - as in you know, without going in late or taking off early - he's had a long week. I'm not going to say it, I'm not going to say it...(Iwork24/7/365foreverinlifetakingcareofyourchildren!!!kakdfj;adklfj;adkfiworiuc) Phew, I think that feels better. I'm so grateful that he works hard so I can stay home with the kids but I think because I don't physically work outside the home, there's a belief that what I do as work is not exhausting. Newsflash: IT IS.

Or how if you tell your kids you'll get them - say - a drink, and then they follow you around, right on your heels, until it is in their beloved sticky little hands?

How about when you've acknowledged them and said you'll do something in just one minute please, yet they feel the need to repeat your name over. and over. and over. until you get your booty up and just do it?

I'll admit it. 

After hearing my name repeated like that god-awful Family Guy, mommy, momma, mom, mom, mom...

When I've already ripped chunks of hair out of my head and my brain is numb from the bleach I've inhaled while cleaning pee stains off the front of the toilet (boys, blech!)...

...yes, I've told my son my name is not mommy anymore.

After a 30 second blank stare, he breaks into a full on grin and says, "Mom, you're just joking me, aren't you!?"

And then I can't help but laugh.


  1. So funny and so true! I have days like that a lot more than I'd like to admit. A sense of humor goes a long way towards keeping your sanity! :)

  2. Amen Sister. I have this conversation with my husband weekly. I work 40 hours a week and he works 50. Somehow those extra 10 hours make him feel like he gets a ticket out of everything (except mowing the yard). Funny how that works. Like I don't work 10 extra hours taking care of your child (and you). Ha.

  3. I love your post very funny and very true.I totally understand where you're coming from.

  4. Hi, I'm visiting from Project Sweet Peas!

  5. hahhaha!!! Love the outcome of that! However mad we get at our kids, we can't stay mad at them for long. Husbands, on the other hand.....

  6. Www.myjampackedlife.comSeptember 10, 2012 at 5:37 PM

    I've so been there. It's like they can't wait one minute for anything...I always wonder where I went wrong. I must have been at their beck and call and spoiled them.

  7. Arggg! I KNOW. We can both be sitting on the couch, and the boys come to ME. And as soon as I take care of it, and sit my ass down again, the next one comes over and makes me get up again!
    Or how about the fact that I make the boys' plates at dinner, and then my husbands, and finally my own and the second I sit down someone is asking for more?
    Boys... Daddy's home! See him? Right there? ASK *HIM*

  8. Nicole, are you a fly on the wall in my house every night??

  9. I have definitely done that! Hubby is away with work 4 full days a week, during the weekend I'll hide so the kids have to go to him, even if I only get a couple minutes to myself it's still nice.


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