Thursday, May 9, 2013

How it feels to be moved in again

We have finished our move. Phewwwwww. *Huge sigh of relief*

This was a tough one. It was frustrating and hard to make it happen with two kids in tow. However, I am telling you -- the second we set up our couch in the living room and sat down -- it just felt right.

Like coming home.

On the first day as we were moving in, Gabriel and Jonas played outside almost the entire day. We didn't have to sit with them every second, making sure they didn't fly off the huge ledge of concrete or run into the busy road.

The sidewalk is flat and it makes for easy teaching of bike riding. The grass in the front is perfect for rolling around on.

We got a killer deal on some Pottery Barn couches and now all of us can fit on one couch. Who knew how amazing it could be? So of course on the second or third night we were here, Adrian and I snuggled up on the couch to watch Silver Linings Playbook (amazing, btw).

On Monday we signed Gabriel up for gymnastics twice per week. He won't start preschool until the fall so we want to keep him extremely busy. Yesterday he had his first class and, well, he loved it once he got going. He had a hard time separating himself from me but once I walked out, he was completely fine.

Adrian and I also are doing a free one-week trial at the local Crossfit gym. It's very different from my old box, but I think the results will be even better!

That's pretty much all that is going in our world, just trying not to kill my husband as he has one month off of work before he starts his new job.

How about you? What's new?


  1. Yay! I'm glad you're all moved in! It is definitely nice for the kids to have a place to play like that. That's one thing we miss a lot from our house in Arizona.


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