Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Domain + blog name change

So -- you're going to notice some changes around here. It started with my domain expiring and me not realizing. Major oops, right? As I flew into panic mode, emailing different people at enom and feeling like my little blog world was unraveling, I started thinking.

You know what happens when I start thinking...

I'm sure you've noticed that I haven't been as present on my blog. I've had a hard time buying into it -- that's not to say I don't love blogging -- I miss it a lot actually. I have been lacking inspiration, felt bored and restricted by the "mommy niche" that I created for myself.

I realized that maybe what I needed was some rebranding, a new lease on life, if you will. I decided to rename my little space Things I Love, which in reality, is a lot of what I write about already.

I want to build on that with some a new series called Tourist In Our Own Town (first post coming Thursday?) that will highlight all of the fun places and things we experience here in San Diego.

I didn't start out with intention of changing things up, but I think it will reignite my excitement for blogging and bring some flavor to your lives. What I'm saying is I have ideas, guys. I have some renewed inspiration. All that I ask is you please be patient while I clean my little home up and make it shiny and bright.

Stay along for the ride friends. I'll make it worth your while.

Follow along here:

As always, you can still find me on Twitter (@hijesssmiles) and Instagram (@hijesssmiles). The Facebook page will be changed shortly as well.


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