Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oops, I did it again

I am officially the world's worst employee. I called in sick again.

I admit, I probably should be saving my sick time for when I'm reeeeally, really sick, but it's so hard to want to go on a day like this...cold, dark, cozy...ahhhhh

But I swear I'm not faking it. I'm pretty convinced that Adrian's mother did something to her beans. I woke up with the worst case of bubbly, painful, uncomfortable "tummy troubles," tried  the Pepto , texted my boss and told her it was going to be a while before I could make it to the office.

I got myself and Gabriel dressed, completely intending to go in but on my drive to the sitter's house, my stomached chuuuuurrrrrnnnnnneeeedddd and tuuuuurrrrnnneeedddd and long story short, basically there was no way I was going to make it in any time soon.

So instead, I'm laying comfortably on my couch in close distance to the toilet, watching re-runs of How I Met Your Mother and talking to one of my favorite people! Life is pretty decent right now...


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