Monday, October 4, 2010

The friend deficit

(Jessica + Adrian) + 1 baby + (Jessica's friends + Adrian's friends) - x(those without children) - x(people we would never hang out with) =...?

Can anyone figure out the answer?

I know it's quite complicated, but I'll give you a hint: It's less than 10. Probably less than 5. Pathetic, right?

We're getting a little desperate. We absolutely adore our friends who don't have children and enjoy hanging out with them regularly, but we feel like we're missing an important component to parenthood: other parent friends that live in the area. I have a few friends that are moms whom I keep in touch with regularly who live farther away, but it's not the same when you can't schedule a playdate.

So, in an effort to seek out parent-friends, Adrian and I are putting our heads together and evaluating all of the people we know. Nice? Check. Kids? Check. Could see ourselves having longer than a two minute conversation with them? Check. Young-ish? Check.

I messaged a friend from elementary school. Adrian is going to chat with a friend from work who he knows has children. Seriously, we need a website just for parents to network! Hello Facebook, help a sister out! We are getting so desperate, we have (humiliatingly) even thrown around the idea of posting an ad on Craigslist. Instead of platonic, can't we create a section called fam4fam?

We were planning on going to the Julian Apple Festival yesterday but it's no fun going we stayed home. And ate. And cleaned. And did boring stuff because we were depressed. Not like suicide-watch-depressed, but feeling a little cloudy and gray.

If you, fellow 3 followers (plus Erin, because I know you stalk my blog), think of anyone, please send them my In-Order-To-Be-Our-Friend application. Or send them to my website:'restillfundeventhoughwehaveachild.


  1. I went to church this weekend and there were a million bazillion kids and parents running around. Not that I'm a huge advocate of church, but it could be a good place to start!


  2. Hello, Anonymous aka B-I appreciate the response and believe it or not, have recommended to Adrian this very thing numerous times. We were supposed to go this past weekend but then it got bumped (yet again) to this coming weekend. Stay tuned on how the friends at church thing transpires...

    Did you pick a cake yet?

  3. I guess my mysterious signature wasn't enough to elude you. You're such a gen :)

    Haven't officially picked a cake yet but I'm strongly leaning towards the flowery one that I showed you. Just need to pick which layer I want to be flowery. Bah!

    Good luck with church :)


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