Friday, October 8, 2010

Fill in the Blank FRIDAY

This is a segment taken from the little things we do


1.   The first thing I do in the morning to start my day is: roll over and hit the snooze at least 3 times. Then check my Blackberry for emails, Facebook, etc.

2.  Today I wish I way : enjoying another Jewish holiday aka-taking advantage of not being Jewish and having a lazy day off.

3.  If I had an extra $100 in my bank account today I'd: either buy myself a new watch, pair of jeans or new boots from Macy's. I've  been salivating over their Columbus sale items all week...

4.  Tomorrow: I will be enjoying the company of my hubs and baby boo, entertaining friends at our home, bbq'ing, going to the costume store and coming up with some sort of tasty dinner.

5.  Two things that don't go together are: uggs and minis. It's just weird.

6.  Something I can never pass up at the grocery store is: trashy mags and a cold, bottled diet coke from the little refrigerators.

7.  The last time I tried something new was: this week; I worked at a different office and the best part about it-the peace and quiet. No last minute "I need this now's" or "I need this ten minutes ago's..." Just silence...ahhh...


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