Thursday, October 7, 2010

Musing of the day: Is it weird that...

-I have no idea what I want to do with my life still, at 24 years old?

-I'm contemplating the idea of starting an annual or bi-annual newsletter for my high school graduating class (Before you judge me, I was class president! It's my job to be all chipper, go class of '04, let's all connect)?

-Even though we have finally gotten settled and comfortable in a house we love, in a neighborhood we love, I still want to move out of California? This is all Shannon's fault because she keeps talking about her desire for these mysterious color-changing leaves that nobody in Southern California knows anything about...

-I've been blogging regularly!? Whoa!

-I can't help myself-I want a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks everyday? Whatever you do, don't try the Coffee Bean Pumpkin latte, BLEH!

-I really want to throw a holiday party?

-I would rather be staying home with Gabriel right now and going to school more time, even though I was so ready to go back to work in January? I think I have realized how lucky I was...

-I'm bummed-mad at my husband because he stayed the night in El Centro last night and he didn't call us to say goodnight, he "left" his phone in his hotel room while he was out partying until 1am? Gabriel stayed up until 9 with me because I was hoping to talk to him!

-I'm counting down the hours to go home because I love walking into my house when the wafting smell of stew in the slow cooker is there to greet me?

Have a weird day!


  1. Its not all my fault its San Diego's lack of a Fall that's at fault here!! Lets blame mother nature instead of each other :)

  2. Its not all my fault its San Diego's lack of a Fall that's at fault here!! Lets blame mother nature instead of each other :)

  3. Oh this thing is retarded, it posted my comment twice. DANG IT


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