Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What makes your bedtime routine special?

Like millions of households across the world, bedtime is kind of like gearing up for the big game...every single night. I pretty much start thinking about bedtime as soon as I start dinner.

I know it's coming, like a freight train, it's coming full speed ahead and I'm standing frozen in the tracks like a deer in headlights or a car stuck on the...

...bed times...that's what I was talking about. Routines, yes.

So anyway, on bad days, the onslaught of the bedtime routine can be fear-inducing. Cold sweats. The shakes. Need-a-glass-of-wine-the-second-these-beasts-rest-their-little-heads.

But the good days, I'm all about those. For us, we start the second dinner is over. Boys get in the bath together and play. Jonas comes out first, diapers and jammies and snuggles and nursing for about 20 minutes then into the crib he goes and out for the night. 

Meanwhile, I've either beckoned Gabriel to climb out (or threatened him, depending on what kind of day it is) and he's usually snuggled up in his jammies next to us watching Jake or Team Umizoomi. Once Jonas goes to sleep, we'll snuggle or I'll pick up the kitchen while he hangs with dad for a bit.

Here's where the fun begins.

This is really my favorite part. 

After we've convinced Gabriel that it is indeed bedtime and that he has to go to his room, he and I get under the covers and read 2-3 books, sing 4-5 songs, say some prayers and begin the questions game.

I promise you that you will not regret doing this with your child because it is the sweetest, most hilarious thing ever. 

     "What's your favorite color horse?"

     "What's your favorite place?"
     -Circle Target

     "What kind of animals do you want someday?"

    "Who is your favorite person?"
     -my dad. (me:) whaaat?? (him:) Oh, no, I mean you!

I love hearing about the world from his perspective, learning about the little things that he picks up on a day to day basis and getting a glimpse into that sponge-y brain of his. 

What are your children's bedtime routines like?
Do you have a favorite part or something that makes it extra special?


  1. ahahahha!! Good save on the favorite person question!! :P

  2. haha very cute idea! When bed times are good they are very very good! and when they are bad they are HORRID.. :)


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